Door: Frank Ottens

Uitgegeven op 23-10-2014 om 16:16

Ik liep laatst door het centrum van mijn eigen dorp. Ik viel van de ene verbazing in de andere. Zonder enige vorm van gene liet een man zijn hond midden op de weg schijten. De man groette mij vriendelijk, deed zelfs zijn hoedje even af. Toen ik een blik op zijn teckeltje wierp, zei hij: 'Tja, mag h...'

Niet veel verderop zag ik een andere man, ditmaal zonder hoedje, pontificaal tegen de Rooms-katholieke kerk aanzeiken. Verbijsterd keek in zijn richting. 'Ja', zei hij met een verlekkerde grijns op zijn gezicht, 'dat heb ik nou altijd al eens willen doen! Klotepapen!'

Op het kerkhof van die andere kerk aan het Kerkplein lag een stelletje gewoon open en bloot te vrijen, midden op een grafsteen! Ik durfde niet te kijken, maar deed het natuurlijk toch. De vrijwel naakte vrouw die bovenop haar vermoedelijke partner zat, kreunde er ongegeneerd op los. 'Ah, ah, oh, wat word ik toch altijd hitsig van kerkhoven, ah, ah, ga door, Johan, ga door!'
Tjonge, jonge, wat gebeurde hier allemaal?

Voor restaurant Ongder de Kukel stond een groepje prostituees te tippelen. Aan hun accent te horen, waren deze dames van lichte zeden afkomstig uit een Oostblokland 'Noiken voiftig euro, poipen voiftig euro', zei een van hen.

Gastvrouw Berber van het vermaarde restaurant kwam toevallig net naar buiten lopen. 'Wat is dit in godsnaam?' vroeg ik.

'Tja', zei Berber, 'dit schijnt tegenwoordig gewoon te mogen allemaal. Wij zijn er ook niet echt blij mee. Aan de andere kant: we hebben hier wel al een paar keer een aantal hoerenlopers binnen gehad. Seks maakt hongerig, h...'
Amper bekomen van de schrik wachtte mij op het parkeerterrein van de Aldi een nieuwe verrassing: een stel zwervers had zich een plekje naast de ingang van de supermarkt verworven. Ze stonden met een mannetje of zeven om een brandend olievat heen. Ze zongen een liedje, iets met free as a bird, overigens behoorlijk meerstemmig gezongen.

'Slokkie?' riep een van de zwervers naar me. Hij hield een fles cognac omhoog.

'Nee, dank u', zei ik en liep gauw verder. Snel naar huis. Ik ben heus wel wat gewend, maar dit moest ik toch echt even verwerken.

Vlakbij mijn huis, in de Primulastraat, zag ik een politiewagen, waarnaast een agent een bekeuring stond uit te schrijven voor een negen- tienjarig jongetje. Zijn achterlicht deed het niet.

Reacties (1269)
Zwarte Piet
@2014-10-23 16:35:56
 Wel een goed stukje Frank, slaat de spijker op zijn kop.
@2014-10-23 16:45:33
 Goed stukje Frank, gaat zeker gebeuren als we de regels, normen en waarden laten varen. En helemaal als het Amstelmeer dan nog dicht gescheten wordt door de ganzen.
@2014-10-23 17:16:03
 wilt u mij hier buiten laten?
@2014-10-23 17:47:09
 Er is (gelukkig) nog niets besloten. De uitslag van de poll is voor (een aantal) raadsleden leidend hoop ik!
@2014-10-23 18:51:54
 Mooi stukje Frank! Ik vind het overigens prima dat al die betuttelende regelgeving wordt afgeschaft.

Er zijn wel belangrijkere zaken waar de aandacht op gericht kan worden in Hollands Kroon. Bijkomend voordeel is dat er ruimte komt om controlerende ambtenaren in te zetten waar ze voor zijn, criminaliteit bestrijden. Coke heb je op Wieringen namelijk sneller dan een brood bij de bakker, om maar een voorbeeld te noemen.

En niet structureel burgertje en ondernemertje pesten met allerlei zaken die er niet tot nauwelijks toe doen en waar absurd hoge boetes voor worden uitgedeeld.

@2014-10-23 19:54:57
 voor een tijdje terug schold en verwenste iedereen de boa als hij een bekeuring uitschreef voor een loslopende en kakkende hond , verkeerd parkeren enz: nu willen de mensen hem terug
ik weet het niet meer
jan van der Wal
@2014-10-23 20:47:43
 Ze kunnen er beter voor zorgen dat Wieringen niet meer de coke capital van Noord Holland is. En de trut regels wel afschaffen!
jan van der Wal
@2014-10-23 20:54:47
 Ze kunnen er beter voor zorgen dat Wieringen niet meer de coke capital van Noord Holland is. En de trut regels wel afschaffen!
Zwarte Piet
@2014-10-23 20:57:58
 Wel lullig dat mijn eerste stukje weer weggehaald is, laat ik het anders omschrijven, Het zou mogelijk meer voor kunnen komen in de toekomst, en dat de burgervader anders is geaard, heeft er natuurlijk niets mee te maken, maar misschien komt het hem wel goed uit dat er bepaalde regeltjes niet meer van toepassing zijn. niet dat hij dingen doet die niet door de beugel kunnen? dat wil ik niet zeggen, maar het is wel makkelijker
@2014-10-24 02:05:51
 Geen vergunning meer voor de optocht van de kinderen van de speeltuin. Geen vergunning meer voor de buurt BBQ. De straatzanger mag zijn gang gaan.... Kijk even naar de voordelen. Alle 'vieze' regeltjes worden vervangen door: Het is verboden om de openbare ruimte fysiek en mentaal te verontreinigen. Is dus duidelijk! O ja, een optocht, muziekuitvoering, toneel, hoeft niet meer aangevraagd te worden. Er is alleen een win-win situatie. Vlootschouw, Avond4Daagse, waarom moet de organisatie daarvoor betalen enzo? Mensen, kijk naar de voordelen. En die lui die honden laten schijten en pissen doen dat evengoed wel, met of zonder sancties. De mensen die dat vermijden doen dat ook zonder regels. Het is maar net hoe je zelf in elkaar zit. Neemt niet weg dat dit volgens LADA wel draagvlak moet hebben.
@2014-10-24 02:12:52
 @Zwarte Piet, denk eens even na voordat je iets schrijft, dit heeft helemaal NIETS met anders geaarde mensen te maken, je kwetst hier een grote groep mee. Niet slim! Jaap gaf alleen een voorzet, de beslissing ligt bij de Gemeenteraad. Het is lovenswaardig dat hij het voortouw neemt om iets te doen aan de regelarij in dit land. Daarom zijn jouw reacties verwijderd. Compliment aan Frank, hij schrijft en doet een discussie ontstaan. ZP, dit is nu eenmaal het doel van een column. Lezen, laten zinken, dan pas reageren!
@2014-10-24 02:18:14
 Er zijn 29 mensen die uiteindelijk beslissen. Daaronder zit Jaap niet bij. Kom de 30ste naar Anna Paulowna en beleef het!

Nabrander: Waarom moet v.v. Succes en Wiron betalen en een vergunning aanvragen voor een jeugdkamp voor de kleintjes? Vind ik niet nodig, en jullie toch ook niet?
Henk-Jan (Dolf)
@2014-10-24 02:29:28
 ....een kapot achterlichtje valt niet onder de APV, maar onder de wegen- en verkeerswet, is dus werk voor de Politie.

Hier ben je wel bij de basis van alles, NEEM verantwoording en zorg er zelf voor dat je kinderen zichtbaar zijn in het donker. JIJ bent de maatschappij!

Je wil het toch niet meemaken dat je in je voiture in het donker tijdens een regenbui een kind tegenkomt zonder verlichting?????
@2014-10-24 08:29:00
 Het is burgemeester HJ.
Niet tutoyeren, krijg de indruk dat jij dan ook op zijn feestjes komt.
Zwarte Piet
@2014-10-24 10:17:46
 HJ, Ik heb op een vergadering gezeten bij dat stelletje ongeregeld, ging over het stop zetten van subsidie aan de peuterspeelzalen in de gemeente, er was een vertegenwoordiger bezig met tekst en uitleg waarom de Peuter Speel Zalen niet gekort moeten worden, omdat dit betekend dat ze allemaal dicht kunnen in de gemeente, op dat moment was de aandacht van de burgervader niet bij haar maar bij de telefoon van zijn buurman, dit was veel leuker en grappig dit duurde zeker de helft van de toespraak
Ook de andere mee eters die daar de ronde tafel zaten hadden het veel te druk met andere zaken, misschien is dat wel een gevolg van het voortouw nemen van de burgervader
@2014-10-24 10:56:08
 Zwarte Piet dwaalt weer eens af. Kinderen nemen is een keuze, dat kost geld. Stopzetten die subsidi. Als je geen auto hebt hoef je toch ook geen wegenbelasting te betalen. Bovendien zijn die kinderopvangers allemaal amateurs.
@2014-10-24 11:28:43
 @Kees, kinderopvangers amateurs?
In mijn wereldbeeld is 89 % vd politici amateur.
@2014-10-24 12:12:07
 In mijn optiek hoeven verenigingen geen vergunning aan te vragen voor evenementen zoals een jeugdkamp @Henk-Jan. Deze evenementen dienen de samenleving. Een melding dat dit plaatsvindt zou voldoende moeten zijn i.v.m. eventuele calamiteiten.

@Kees, helaas zijn we in een 24 uurs economie terecht gekomen. Lasten zijn voor vele gezinnen hoog en daarom is men veelal genoodzaakt om met beide partners te werken. Hetzelfde geld voor alleenstaande met kind(eren) met een baan. Kinderopvang is daarom prima.

Zelf vind ik het wel bijzonder dat sommige kinderen vijf dagen per week in de kinderopvang zitten van s�ochtends vroeg tot het einde van de dag. Dan had je in mijn optiek beter geen kinderen kunnen nemen. Kinderen hebben aandacht nodig van hun ouders, dat valt niet met luxe te compenseren. Blijkbaar zijn er ouders die daar anders over denken.
Zwarte Piet
@2014-10-24 15:21:52
 Beste Kees,
Ik lees dat je geen verstand hebt van Kinders opvang( kinderdag verblijf of Peuter Speel Zaal zijn 2 verschillende dingen) en je mocht willen dat jij zoveel diploma's had als dat deze dames moeten hebben om dit werk te mogen doen,(mijn vrouw is z'n "amateur") en daar komt nog eens bij dat deze kinderopvangen en peuterspeelzalen aan hele strenge eisen moeten voldoen, dus als je niet weet waar je over praat, moet je je eigen niet zo verlagen en ga lekker fietsen, hoef je ook niet te tanken
@2014-10-24 21:46:23
 Laat kinderen lekker vier jaar thuis, daarna ben je ze kwijt. Maar Kees en Zwarte Piet dwalen af. Het gaat in deze column over iets anders. Mooi geschreven Frank (zonder kinderopvang historie?)
leo montijn
@2014-10-26 11:09:05
 Kees heeft het wel goed vroeger moesten we alles zelf betalen als de kinderen naar de opvang moesten zoals het hoort tegenwoordig word alles gesubcidieerd omdat veel ouders laten we het maar de kinderen zelf niet aankunnen en wij zelf in luxe kunnen leven daarom zorg zelf zoals Annie zegt voor de kleuters en ga zelf wat minder luxe leven beter voor de kinderen ouders tegenwoordig zijn vreemden voor de kinderen zie ze ,smorgens om 1/2 7 komen en na 5en pas weer naar huis gaan eten en naar bed
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Technically, investors have also been eyeing a significantbreak below the 50-day moving average on the S&P 500 as a signof more weakness. The index closed below that level on Thursdaybut rebounded to trade modestly above it on Friday. The movingaverage was at about 1,679 on Friday.
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One of those officials, MIT Police Chief John DiFava told ABC News he was "disgusted" by Tsarnaev's apparent smirk. He told ABC News that it was clear, at least to him, that Tsarnaev "had absolutely no remorse."
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The historic assault is believed to be the turning point of the Civil War. Robert E. Lee led the three-day Confederate charge in the bloodiest battle of the Civil War – scholars estimate more than 50,000 soldiers combined became casualties. On the second day, deadly assaults occurred from Culp's Hill to Little Round Top and Devil's Den.
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Freeman was taking ground balls during batting practice before Atlanta’s 6-5 victory over Cincinnati on Thursday night when general manager Frank Wren called him over and told him about his first All-Star selection. The slugger had three hits and four RBIs against the Reds and is batting .313 with nine homers and 60 RBIs in 79 games.
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Policymakers are still dealing with the wreckage of a burst debt bubble that cratered the U.S. housing market. They worry that super-low interest rates used to fight recession in advanced economies may have created new bubbles around the world.
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While both Republicans and Democrats appear in agreementthat the debt ceiling should be raised and the governmentreopened, they remained at loggerheads over the terms for doingso, including the duration of the debt ceiling increase andlevels of funding for the government. [ID:nL1N0I309B
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This plan may get republicans ahead in the short term, when residents of red states are astounded by the high insurance rates. In the long run, though, it will backfire when they realize that residents of blue states are paying absurdly lower rates. Ultimately they will realize that they are pawns in a political game, being sacrificed by their own governors to prove a point.
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The tax refund resulted from losses at Downey Savings andLoan that piled up during the 2008 U.S. housing meltdown, whichexposed the poor quality of the bank's exotic mortgages. Thoselosses were claimed against taxes paid for the preceding fiveyears, during the housing boom, allowing parent company DowneyFinancial Corp to file for a tax refund.
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But Sir Kenneth said any further devolution to Scotland must be considered in the context of the entire UK, with the English, Welsh and Northern Irish kept fully informed about the discussions.
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minoxidil 5 kaufen There’s always something to hook the attention. I’m interested, for example, in the way that the big, bold Bolshoi style is reinforced by exercises that stretch the back, that emphasise sweeping movements of the leg, that send the dancers off in vigorous variations. But notice too the precision, the way the dancers flex and exercise their feet, their graceful arms and their instinctive and inbuilt desire to make musical phrases.
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finasteryd koszt Today's politicians could also go further. New research from the Personal Finance Education Group (PFEG), which has tirelessly campaigned to get money taught in schools, shows that most children aged eight to 11 are shopping online, are buying apps and have bank accounts.
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cena prolo i clomidu w aptece But about 100 conservative hardliners also appeared and,shouting the "Death to America" slogan common since the 1979Islamic Revolution, pelted his official car with eggs and stonesin protest at Rouhani's diplomatic opening towards Washington,according to witness reports posted on Twitter.
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Pink will sure have a lot of pink around her house in the years to come! The singer, 31 and her husband Carey Hart, 35, welcomed a daughter in June of 2011. The singer, sick of the paparazzi trying to take her baby bump pic, took matters into her own hands. "Because paparazzi of today have absolutely no photographic [sic] skill or artistry whatsoever, and their pictures are hideous … I'm going to post a self-portrait I took yesterday morning for all of you asking to see belly shots," the singer tweeted.
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"They'd be very willing to talk about the Holocaust if you ask them about the Holocaust in Croatia, because the dominant narrative there is that Serbs perished in Jasenovac with Jews," he told Reuters, referring to the Jasenovac concentration camp in Croatia where thousands of Serbs were killed.
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I have very mixed feelings about last week’s report that a new, private medical school is due to open in Britain. The University of Buckingham, a private university established in the 1970s, has set up its own medical school and is preparing for its first year of intake in January 2015.
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Anatoly Kucherena, who has assisted the fugitive American leaker in his bid for asylum in Russia, said Monday that Snowden’s application may take three months to process. The lawyer said the papers, which he expects to receive “shortly,” will permit Snowden to pass through immigration and travel to the city’s center in the meantime.
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“Pakistan is a high-threat post so we are constantly at ahigh level of alert,” Gregonis said by phone today. “Wecontinue to be on a high level of alert and we anticipate to re-open on Monday.”
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The Brotherhood, founded in 1928, emerged as Egypt's best-organized political force after Mubarak fell. Its popularity waned during Mursi's year in office when critics accused it of accumulating excessive power, pushing a partisan Islamist agenda and mismanaging the economy.
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Yet since the beginning of the year some 13,000 Roma havebeen evicted from illegal camps and welfare groups say thefailure of schemes to re-house their inhabitants means they findthemselves on the streets or simply set up new camps elsewhere.
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Speaking at a forum in Dallas, Robert Gates and Leon Panetta disagreed on whether the United States should ultimately carry out a military strike in retaliation for a chemical attack that the U.S. says killed 1,400 people. But both men said Obama shouldn't have asked Congress to approve a strike, and both were skeptical and sometimes sarcastic about the current Russia-backed negotiations to have Syria turn over its chemical weapons.
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The 41-member Executive Council of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in The Hague is expected to vote on Tuesday on a joint Russian-American proposal to rapidly verify and destroy Syria's chemical weapons stockpile. That vote has been repeatedly delayed.
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The Socialist government's equal rights minister, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, suggested Wednesday that the Socialists may push for a compromise measure when the bill goes to the lower house of Parliament in the coming weeks. The amendment's author said the proposed punishments might be lightened in later readings but expressed confidence that the ban would survive.
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There's a whole lot less of Moore. At the Sept. 26 premiere of 'Five,' Demi Moore, 48, debuted something more than just her short film. Stepping out in support of the Lifetime project -- which features five short films all dealing with breast cancer and directed by celebrities including Jennifer Aniston and Alicia Keys -- Moore looked exceptionally thin. 'It looks more like overtraining with restricted calories, than an eating disorder,' a nutritionist who has not treated Moore told
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-- Shocking we know, but Marcus Camby is laid up once again with an injury. Now backing up Dwight Howard and Omer Asik in Houston at age 39, he tore his plantar fascia in his left foot and is looking to avoid surgery that would KO him for two months. After being practically non-existent for the Knicks last season, playing a career-low 250 minutes in 24 games, he still was able to get $1.4 million out of the Rockets. . . . What exactly did Tom Thibodeau say when his Bulls were heading down to Rio de Janeiro, where they played Washington on Saturday night in the NBA’s first-ever game in Brazil? “It’s critical for us to know it’s a business trip. We’re not going there to party.” Whatever you insist on, coach.
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Builders surged as traders brushed off calls from the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors for a 5 per cent cap on annual house price growth amid fears the south of England is heading for a “bubble”.
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The protesters fear the tests will lead to a large increase in the number of lorries in the area. They are also campaigning against Cuadrilla's involvement in shale gas exploration using hydraulic fracturing, or fracking.
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Kelly talks briefly about how strength and conditioning have made a big difference, entering the fourth year of Paul Longo’s training program. That difference should be seen up front along the offensive line, where fifth year players Zack Martin and Chris Watt are joined by fourth year veteran Christian Lombard, while the “youngsters” likely joining the starting lineup, Nick Martin and Conor Hanratty, each have spent multiple years in the training program. (A pleasant reminder that this program has come a long way since 2007…)
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U.S. bond funds accounted for $806 million of thoseoutflows, marking their third straight week of outflows. Thelatest week still showed improvement after investors pulledabout $2.1 billion from the funds the previous week, accordingto data from EPFR Global.
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The bodies of two of the victims were found around dawn by rescuers on a beach where many Catania residents and vacationers use lounge chairs and umbrellas to enjoy the sea, while the other four bodies were pulled out of the water just off shore, said D'Arrigo.
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The day's gains come after the Dow Jones industrial average on Friday registered its best weekly gain since January,though trading was subdued before the Fed's meeting, which hadbeen expected to result in the start of tapering.
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lamisil goedkoop But mobile phones and laptops have changed that. By not taking this into account the economic boost from shorter journeys appeared to be stronger than it was, critics say. In its report KPMG sought to address this oversight by cutting the time value gain by 50%. If you factor this in, the economic boost to UK plc decreases from £15bn to £12bn it says.
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Worryingly, most of the unit sales being recognized in the quarter are older-generation BlackBerry 7 devices. The company said it could not recognize BlackBerry 10 devices shipped in the quarter until those devices are sold through to end customers. That suggests carriers have been having difficulty moving the new line of devices.
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Lloyds, up 2.8 percent, was boosted by a Financial Timesreport saying Chief Executive Antonio Horta-Osorio had toldpotential investors he expected to see up to 70 percent of thebank's earnings returned to shareholders by 2015.
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The plan, which has been approved by the State Council, is on top of a 1.85 trillion yuan investment in the renewable energy sector, underscoring the government's concerns about addressing a key source of social discontent.
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The SARB is very different from Turkey’s central bank in that it is generally less concerned about currency weakness due to the competitiveness boost a weak rand gives the domestic mining sector. This time things might be a bit different. The bank is battling not only anaemic growth but also rising inflation that may soon bust the upper end of its 3-6 percent target band thanks to a rand that has weakened 15  percent to the dollar this year.
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I found out about her story only very gradually. When I was young she would say, 'I was in prison for a bit’, and leave it at that. She was too busy living in the present. She and my father were both famous in their own right – my father was a well-known concert pianist. He looks a bit disgruntled in this picture, and at that time he wouldn’t have played with me – he wanted me to learn with my contemporaries. But later, when I was more established, he and I would play professionally together quite regularly. Recently I’ve been doing the same with my own family – my three children and wife all played with me on stage at the Wigmore Hall for my 60th birthday concert last month, which was a very special moment.
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XTO was already fined $100,000 for the spill by theEnvironmental Protection Agency and the Justice Department inJuly, which the company said was fair, but XTO plans to contestthe latest criminal charges.
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“We’ve gone from being shocked to being entertained,” says Jeffrey Seglin, an ethics and public policy expert at the Kennedy School at Harvard University. “It’s now all kind of a circus.”
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It has also fuelled a growing political row in which theanti-immigration Northern League party has called for theresignation of Integration Minister Cecile Kyenge, Italy's firstblack minister, who was born in Democratic Republic of Congo.
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The report, entitled Ending 15 Minute Care, says UK adults take on average at least 40 minutes to carry out essential tasks including getting up, washing, dressing and eating breakfast. However, local councils increasingly expect disabled people to complete these tasks in 15 minutes. Leonard Cheshire said some local authorities were commissioning three-quarters of all their home care visits in 15 minutes or less.
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“Well again I know it’s a day-to-day thing so I’m certainly hopeful it’s not as bad as Sione (Po’uha’s),” said Rex Ryan, refereing to the former Jet lineman, whose back injury in camp last year affected his entire season. “That kept Sione out a lot of training camp, so hopefully it’s not like that, so to me it’s just a day-to-day type of injury.” ... Punter Robert Malone missed practice for the second day in a row with an undisclosed injury... The Jets did not clarify RB Joe McKnight’s situation, which has been described as a head injury. McKnight walked by reporters and said, “I don't want to talk to none of y’all.”
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Federal authorities have wiretapped communications involving Patel and have been considering criminal charges against the Merrick, N.Y. resident, said another person who has been briefed on the investigation. Neither Patel nor his attorney, Tai Park, returned phone calls seeking comment.
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One Italian priest has invented a holy water dispenser thatdispenses drops of holy water rather than having the faithfuldip a hand in, it noted. (Reporting by Michael Shields; editing by Ralph Boulton)
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ziach gebraucht kaufen “Personally, he did a lot of great things for me. He made me a better player on the ice and a better guy off the ice, too. It’s unfortunate that someone has to take the fall. We have to look at ourselves in the mirror and realize a big part of it was probably us.’’
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The conflict that began as an uprising against a harsh regime has since become a largely sectarian battle. Islamic extremist groups have been steadily increasing their presence over the past year and now control large areas of rebel-held Syria.
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lioresal rezeptfrei bestellen Today the WSA operates from Washington, DC. A World Passport, printed in seven languages and supposedly valid for seven years, is available to any applicant prepared to enclose a cheque of 100 US dollars. The WSA website claims that 180 countries to date, from Afghanistan to Zambia, have accepted the World Passport on a de facto basis – yet Davis’s own experiences travelling on World Passport No 1 were far from uncomplicated. He was arrested dozens of times and tried for fraud; forced to stow away on ocean liners; and, on one occasion, made the crossing from Monte Carlo to Italy in an inflatable rubber boat. Upon arrival he was picked up by the police and spent three months at Frascati, a former concentration camp. “But I have a profound belief that this is what I should be doing,” he insisted. “It justifies my being alive.”
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But the hard coal mine was closed in 2006, after it became too costly, low yielding and outdated to maintain. Today there are only a few coal mines still left in Jiu Valley. Unfortunately for Aninoasa, no replacement jobs have been created since the mine closed. At the abandoned mining site, goats graze and children play.
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Lemuel L. Martinez, 13th Judicial District Attorney, declined to talk about the case with The Associated Press. But he defended the decision to pursue the first-degree murder charge. "We are going to court because we believe we have enough evidence to meet the burden of proof," Martinez said.
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ile wana jest recepta na pulmicort In letters found at his Abbottabad, Pakistan, compound, Bin Laden complained about Iran’s treatment of his subordinates and relatives who fled there from Afghanistan after 9/11. While the core of Al Qaeda has been decimated, officials maintain the U.S. cannot relax.
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Officials said the newborns' father is 15-year-old Yang Yang, who also fathered Lun Lun's other cubs: Xi Lan, 4, and Po, 2. The zoo has yet to name the cubs, but will follow the Chinese tradition of waiting 100 days to name them.
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Researchers, administrators, and clinicians facing the question of whether to start a lab or simply outsource must consider the fact that clinical certification of a molecular lab and genomic tests is a multi-level process, requiring significant amounts of time and materials. The first speaker in this webinar, Dr. Seth Crosby, provides a short overview of this process.
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In Somalia, officials say international military forces carried out a pre-dawn strike Saturday against foreign fighters in the town of Barawe. Officials say the strike was aimed at "high-profile" targets.
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If Girardi were simply going to take a year off to spend more time with his family, then the GM-agent powwow would be unnecessary. So this has to be viewed as a likely first step to the Yankees retaining their manager.
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"Public indecency laws can be interpreted widely, " Finch told The News. "But this is not a matter of culture or religion. Women's rights are universal and governments have an obligation under international human rights law to respect, protect, and fulfill those rights. "
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While the move towards a 24/7 model is happening in some sectors, Mr Neil has asked senior official in the Government and NHS to report back on the changes needed to ensure the services "works around the clock, seven days a week for patients, when they need it."
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He reiterated that the Justice Department reserves the right to bring a lawsuit against Colorado or Washington at a later time, and that it is up to the states to create systems and processes for enforcing the federal government’s “priority areas.” The department will keep tabs on the states under a “trust but verify” approach.
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Jacobs' departure after 16 years with the company comes amonth after LVMH founder and chief executive Bernard Arnaultappointed his daughter Delphine as deputy head of Louis Vuittonand replaced last year longstanding chief Yves Carcelle withgroup veteran Michael Burke.
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In an effort to rally public opinion against the “reckless Republican shutdown,” the president slammed his opponents for refusing to reopen the government “until they get their way.”
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The update mirrored weak emerging-market revenues from anumber of large European companies, including drinks groupDiageo and French drugs company Sanofi lastweek, as countries such as Brazil struggle with rising borrowingcosts and volatile markets.
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“Some of these questions may seem a bit ridiculous to those looking to enter another country, but this often just helps to highlight cultural differences,” explained Liam Clifford of
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Ciancimino told investigators he had been the messenger between his father, the mafia and senior police officers in which the mob offered to stop the attacks in exchange for concessions. Several other informers including the hitman who detonated the bomb that killed Falcone also say there were negotiations.
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Steinberg is the latest of nine people from Steven A.Cohen's $15 billion hedge fund SAC Capital Advisors to becharged or implicated by federal prosecutors in an insidertrading investigation that has lasted more than five years andresulted in intense media coverage of Cohen and his associates.
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Chairman of the Commons Treasury Committee Andrew Tyrie wrote to the FCA's new chief executive Martin Wheatley and the director general of the Association of British Insurers Otto Thoresen following the Money Box report in March.
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The good news, is that in the Senate, the statewide nature of the elections has led to more moderation and more compromise. The Senate managed to avoid a filibuster fight through negotiation and sort out a comprehensive immigration bill that garnered bipartisan support.
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Muscat's benchmark climbed 0.2 percent to 6,847points, marking its eighth straight gain and highest closinglevel since February 2011. It faces very strong technicalresistance at 7,044 points, which capped the market in April2010 and January 2011.
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Hardly. In the bed next to Priya was another blind girl who had been waiting eight years for the same surgery. In fact, the entire hospital was filled with kids who had been waiting years for all kinds of life-saving surgeries. Just like at hundreds of hospitals I’ve visited over the past 20 years.
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The motoring offence reforms include on-the-spot fines for people caught tailgating or hogging the middle lane of a motorway. But it is the increase in the fixed penalty for driving without insurance, from £200 to £300, to which the majority of the 20,000 people in the AA survey objected.
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The NSABB said it feared details of the work could fall into the wrong hands and be used for bioterrorism. A year-long moratorium on such research followed while the World Health Organization, U.S. security advisers and international flu researchers sought ways to ensure the highest safety controls.
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Economic indicators during the week include existing-homessales, also due on Wednesday, weekly jobless claims and PMIMarkit Flash manufacturing index on Thursday. New-home salesdata is due on Friday.
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At least one in five people believe that those with mental health problems are of below average intelligence, while almost one in three would not willingly accept a person with mental health issues as a close friend, a new survey has shown.
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In this crusade, the upstanding British press has played a strident, misleading but admittedly sometimes highly entertaining role. Remember the not-straight-enough bananas? Bombay mix to be renamed Mumbai mix? The €10 note that makes you impotent? (Yes, really!) Even the things we British really treasure, like barmaids’ cleavages, Bogofs, double-decker buses and corgis, are under attack from those pesky Eurocrats.
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The latest political standoff in Washington, which endedlate Wednesday with a deal to extend the country's borrowingcapacity for almost four months, had Fed officials refining andtesting those plans, in consultation with Wall Street.
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According to William of Malmesbury, the Battle of Hastings was lost because the Saxon army had hangovers: “The English passed the night drinking and singing… the Normans passed the whole night in confessing their sins, and received communion in the morning.”
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Master Trooper Daniel "Scott" Moreau said Sunday air pollution detectors have not picked up anything. The evacuated homes were within one mile of the derailment. Police said at least 26 cars went off the tracks about 3:30 p.m. Sunday in Lawtell, which is about 60 miles west of Baton Rouge.
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"I did a count of female vs. male creators, and I won't even name – you already know – the different publishers, and I was like, wow, Wall Street does a better job," said Amy Chu, a guest at Thursday's Women in Comics panel and founder of Alpha Girl Comics.
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Burkhardt, who is about to turn 75, stands by MMA's safetyrecord and noted the company had no serious derailments beforeLac-Megantic. "I have never been involved with anything remotelyapproaching this in my whole life," he said.
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That’s a sure sign that Cruz isn’t just anyone anymore — not even among rich, successful athletes. He has the attention of Jay Z, one of the world’s most successful artists, as one of the flagship clients of Roc Nation Sports, Jay Z’s foray into the sports representation business. Cruz was one of the first of a remarkably select group (at least so far) that includes the Yankees’ Robinson Cano, NBA superstar Kevin Durant, Jets rookie quarterback Geno Smith and WNBA rookie Skylar Diggins.
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The Covered California exchange said it approved more than16,000 applications for health insurance that would cover over28,000 state residents, despite early glitches since the websitelaunched. The number includes people deemed eligible for thestate's Medicaid program for the poor. Another 27,000applications are still being processed. The exchange did not sayhow many of those people had selected new health plans, butexpects to make that data available beginning in mid-November.
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Spaniards believe corruption to be the country's most serious problem after unemployment, polls show, and Spain's main political parties have lost significant ground to smaller ones thought to be more honest.
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"Idol," once a ratings juggernaut for Fox, hasslumped in recent years and is in the midst of revamping itsjudging panel after high-priced talent Mariah Carey and NickiMinaj failed to boost viewership last season.
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And yes, they can make a funny YouTube video, they can redesign the packaging to it looks less like a douche product for menopausal women, and they can bombard us with statistics about landfills and sanitary towels, but what the Mooncup really needs is a smoking-hot celebrity endorsement – and I’ve got just the woman.
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In January this year the French military used helicopters to attack an al Shabaab base in a southern village to rescue a French hostage. Two French commandos were killed and the insurgents later claimed they had killed the hostage.
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As of Tuesday, eight people were confirmed dead from flashfloods triggered by a week of historically heavy rains thatdrenched a 130-mile (210-km) stretch of the eastern slopes ofthe Colorado Rockies, with at least 1,600 homes destroyed.
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The PBOC made clear in its statement it does not intend toease up on its controls over mortgage rates. Beijing has beenclamping down on the property sector for several years to try tokeep a lid on rising prices and speculative buying.
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website for essay writing Stocks of regional commercial lenders fell as the FederalReserve postponed the start of the wind down of its massivemonetary stimulus, saying it wanted to wait for more evidence ofsolid economic growth.
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Police last week accused GSK of bribing officials anddoctors to boost sales and raise the price of its medicines inChina. They said GSK transferred up to 3 billion yuan ($489million) to 700 travel agencies and consultancies over six yearsto facilitate the bribes.
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Google's business, like rivals Facebook Inc and YahooInc, has come under pressure as more consumers accessits online services on mobile devices such as smartphones andtablets, where advertising rates are lower than on PCs.
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Sobotka signalled though that if his party forms agovernment, its economic policy would be more leftist than theprevious centre-right coalition government, with plans to raisetaxes for the biggest corporations and for high earners.
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Supporters say boosting leverage ratios will better ensure that large, complex banks will have adequate buffers in times of crisis. Critics, however, say it is a blunt measurement that treats all financial institutions equally, regardless of the actual risks they carry on their balance sheets.
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 I do some voluntary work essays about challenges in life In the four months since he became pope, Francis has emerged as the great hope of a church facing a management crisis at headquarters and major challenges from secularism and rival faiths. Talk now is less about the irreversible decline of an out-of-touch papacy and more about whether Francis will fulfill the early hype and connect with a complex, diverse and increasingly modern global audience in a way that Pope Benedict XVI never really could. Francis’s biggest test yet comes this week, during his visit to the world’s largest predominantly Roman Catholic country. In Brazil, the Argentine-born pope will find a microcosm of the church’s greatest opportunities and most thorny challenges.
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* New troubles are piling up for U.S. banks as they prepareto release third-quarter earnings results amid warnings of weaktrading revenue, a sharp decline in mortgage refinancing andrising legal costs. ()
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 A pension scheme narrative essay on marriage more proof that the chinese are behind the massive surge in endangered wildlife body parts trade in Africa. since the chinese have begun paying african nations millions to gain access to their natural resources, and have begun shipping their people in by the thousands as workers to build roads and bridges, the slaughter of elephants and rhino have surged to such horrific proportions that the deaths now outnumber their births, and both species are on a rapid spiral to extinction. last year alone, an estimated 50,000 elephants were slaughtered for their tusks, with china as the main buyer of their ivory. here we see admittedly the smuggling of endangered species meat to Bo — a red flag highlighting the immensely negative impact the chinese and their wealth have had upon the native wildlife in africa. this is so sad, for this plate of food spelled another notch toward extinction for a rare and endangered animal species struggling to survive.
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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seized on ISNA's version of Rouhani's comments, saying they showed the reputedly moderate Iranian cleric was as hostile to Israel as Ahmadinejad, whose denial of the Holocaust and description of Israel as a "cancerous tumor" prompted international condemnation.
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To many in the West, Hezbollah is primarily a military organisation. The group was officially founded in 1985 during the Israeli occupation of Lebanon, when it resorted to suicide bombings and kidnappings in its quest to drive foreign forces from the country.
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@2016-09-12 03:50:43
 Could I make an appointment to see ? essay on my pet pigeon The Bank believes the jobless rate will on the whole fall slowly as firms squeeze more out of their current staff as the economy recovers. Surveys of British services and manufacturing last month backed up that view as employment grew more slowly than overall activity.
argumentative essay techniques The arc of the modern human rights movement is born of the aftermath of World War II with the formation of the United Nations General Assembly and its adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
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@2016-09-12 03:50:43
 A book of First Class stamps format college research paper The suburb's law would have required all renters to obtain licenses. The city's building inspector would check an immigrant's status and deny licenses to anyone in the country without permission, and landlords who allowed immigrants without permits would have faced fines or revocations of their renters' licenses.
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The better tone ended three days of steady falls in MSCI'sworld equity index caused by expectations theFederal Reserve could soon start to wind down its stimulus programme, which has driven this year's rally in stocks.
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There’s reason to believe that same-sex marriage bans will not be like poll taxes — disappearing inexorably across the states, with the remnants snuffed out by the Supreme Court. Instead, such bans are likely to remain in place in many red states. If that’s the case, then the court will face more than a mop-up chore.
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an essay on my ambition in life Arsène Wenger has outlined his three-pronged strategy to regain the Premier League title and put Arsenal back in position to regularly win trophies. Addressing around 200 shareholders at Thursday's annual general meeting, Wenger said that Arsenal had come through a transitional period when they were constrained by their move from Highbury to the Emirates but that they were now in a financial position to execute all elements of his strategy, including sometimes spending big money for established world-class players.
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@2016-09-12 03:50:44
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A decade in the making, the 20 billion-euro ($27 billion) project was about 5 billion euros over budget and three years behind schedule. In 2010, the program nearly collapsed over cost overruns: A struggle between Airbus and its military customers over technical and financial problems came to a head when Airbus parent EADS threatened to pull the plug on the project. The plane was salvaged only after a new infusion of government funds.
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essaywriter com The late evening Greek aid deal in Brussels helped nudge theeuro up to $1.2886. But it was slipping back again by0945 GMT, and with the Fed and the ECB appearing to be facing inopposite policy directions analysts saw more dollar strength.
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 How much does the job pay? research papers mla format Wealthy people may have nannies and accountants and drivers that free up their minds to focus on other problems. Poor people are often busy juggling inadequate and unreliable childcare, transportation and housing. “What do you do with people who need better financial management? Getting paid on a regular basis instead of sporadically (helps),” he says.
learning english vocabulary At Everton, Moyes was usually most quotable in defeat, when he backed vanquished, vulnerable players, taking criticism on himself, earning the appreciation of the dressing-room. Some of his public utterances as United manager border on the defeatist. He needs “five to six world-class players”. He is prepared to suffer “blow after blow” while rebuilding “a team in transition”. Few would argue about the need for heavyweight reinforcements or the need for time and forbearance. Moyes was being admirably honest and a delighted print media hungrily paraded his sentiments in block type to match the new Salford skyline.
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'What?’ I ask. She’s gone red. Her eyes are like saucers. 'Are you choking? Quick Leonard, whack her on the back.’ Leonard is about to give her a slap when she points at the man.
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When it came to ‘non-viable foetal anomalies', i.e. a foetus with no chance of survival, 88% of the trainee GPs felt that the mother should be allowed to have an abortion, with one remarking that it would be "very inconsiderate to ask a woman to carry a non-viable foetus".
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The unease about Miliband, which follows the voicing in private of concerns by Tory ministers of David Cameron's failure to sense the mood among his MPs, is being expressed with great care by frontbenchers. They acknowledge that the overwhelming number of Labour MPs are highly wary of military action in the light of the party's experience over Iraq.
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"To produce a well-educated graduate today, students need the experience of learning with a diverse population that reflects the society they're going to be living and working in," says William E. Kirwan, chancellor of the University System of Maryland.
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The research – by, an online tutoring website fronted by TV presenter Carol Vorderman – found that private school children are currently twice as likely to be sent to a tutor over the summer as state-educated counterparts.
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“Ten years ago, we’d have set the world-speed record today,” Luna Rossa helmsman Chris Draper said. “But we’re racing around marks. They’re just nuts to sail these (catamarans), a lot of fun. But at the same time, it’s frustrating to us as a team. We’d love to be able to get some more time back, but we’ve gotten a lot better just sailing the boats around the course. Our performance records show we’ve gotten a lot better, but so have the Kiwis, and they’re continuing to improve. It’s very, very impressive.”
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That’s the question Matt Charman’s able but over-long revisiting of that nail-biting match in New York, which saw Kasparov trounced by two wins to one with three draws, leaves floating in that hitherto most supreme of organs, the brain. If the evening doesn’t entirely make the case for chess as a source of riveting drama, it cogently suggests that this duel between mortal neurons and programmed circuitry wasn’t some diverting sideshow but an existential confrontation of the highest order.
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 Could I have an application form? essay homeless On Business Daily on the World Service, the BBC's Stephen Evans in Berlin has been speaking to a man called Rapael Fellmer who is trying to live without money. How does he do it? (A clue: it involves eating out-of-date biscuits).
analyse own responsibilities for promoting equality and valuing diversity essay One of the great political scandals of the 20th century. Shortly before the 1924 general election, a letter purporting to be from Grigory Zinoviev at the Comintern in Moscow to the Communist Party of Great Britain appeared in the Daily Mail. It called for intensified communist agitation in Britain, saying that "the establishment of close contact between the British and Russian proletariat, the exchange of delegations and workers, etc. will make it possible for us to extend and develop the propaganda of ideas of Leninism in England and the Colonies". The Conservative landslide victory four days later was in part attributed by the letter, which is now widely thought to have been a forgery.
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The activist investor likened the 269-year-old auction house to "an old master painting in desperate need of restoration." He said he wants auctions and private as well as internet sales reinvigorated, the company's global footprint to expand and to "exploit the Sotheby's brand through adjacent businesses."
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“We should all work together, because we all have the same goals,” said Bronx Charter School for Excellence leader Charlene Reid, who is collaborating with educators at nearby Public School 85. More than 86% of students at Reid’s school passed state reading exams in 2012, compared with just over 20% of students who met literacy standards at PS 85.
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Glasgow councillor Soryia Siddique said: "Children's health and wellbeing is paramount. The serious failure is at a national level with regards to the clarity of the vaccine ingredient which should have been communicated to parents so they could make an informed decision."
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But when Adolpho Birch, the NFL's vice president of labor policy and government affairs, wrote to Oneida Nation Homelands chief operating officer Peter Carmen on Friday, he wanted to meet sooner than a previously scheduled Nov. 22 date at NFL headquarters.
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"Comic-Con is very much home turf for a character and worldlike Wolverine," Mangold said. "These are fans who are extremelyreceptive, and I hope eager, to see the film that we've made.Both Hugh and I tried to respond to what fans felt in some wayswas lacking in some previous efforts."
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The administration has worked to shorten the time it takes to obtain oil and gas leasing permits on federal lands, a process that used to take an average of 300 days. But critics like Wigley say it's still not enough when compared to state and private lands. "For instance a permit in Texas or Oklahoma or North Dakota, you can get in 15 or 45 days. A permit on federal lands is about 230 days."
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custom research paper for cheap There is plenty of blame to be divided; politicians, company management, unions, Wall Street and the voters of Detroit all played their role. And while it is worth debating and litigating who is at fault and who should suffer most, some underlying facts have to be reckoned with. Detroit's population and tax base have shrunk while its obligations to the holders of its $9 billion in debts and a (contested) additional $9 billion to municipal pensioners have not. That leaves the city, with a high crime rate and a 58-minute average response time for emergency calls to the police, critically unable to provide even basic services.
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The 26-year-old Palestinian refugee, born in Iraq, is confined to what officials call "the sterile zone" for travellers and airport staff - he's the only one who belongs in neither category.
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what is an empirical research paper Mr Obama and his team still have a long hill to climb to persuade Congress of the wisdom of a military response.  A new Associated Press survey suggested that almost half of the 433 current members of the Republican-controlled House of Representatives remain undecided about what to do. “It’s an uphill slog,” Mike Rogers, the Republican chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.
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"The boat took on water, and people started coming up from below, which could have contributed to the capsizing, according to witness testimony," Fleming said. She added that the four wounded were treated by doctors among the refugees on board.
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JC Penney has been struggling to boost sales in its approximately 1,095 stores after a failed attempt by Chief Executive Myron Ullman's ousted predecessor, Ron Johnson, to move it up-market and reduce its dependence on heavy discounting to lure shoppers.
ba english modern essay notes In order to counter this, Verizon is coming up with strategies to increase consumer loyalty and better hold on to its existing customer base. It recently launched a new program called Verizon EDGE which allows subscribers to upgrade their smartphones every six months so long as they have paid off 50% of the unsubsidized cost of the phone. Last year, the carrier launched Mobile Share data plans that allow subscribers to add more mobile devices to their service account. Subscribers who subscribe to these initiatives get further entrenched in the Verizon ecosystem, making it tougher to switch carriers. This is important because rising competition seems to be increasing Verizon’s churn numbers of late. Compared to 0.93% in Q2 2013, Verizon had a churn of 0.84% in the same period last year. A higher churn implies that a carrier is losing more of its existing subscribers, leading to higher costs as it looks to acquire new ones.
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Further, leverage in private equity deals - which measuresdebt as a factor of a company's cash flow and hence its abilityto service the obligations - has risen steadily since thefinancial crisis, averaging 6.2 times earnings before interest,tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) so far this year, upfrom 5.3 times in 2012 and 4.7 times in 2011, according tomarket research firm Pitchbook.
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"We remain short euro/dollar and sterling/dollar headinginto the release, looking for gradual improvement in U.S. dataand dovish messaging from European policy makers to revive thepolicy divergence theme which benefited the dollar in the secondquarter," they added.
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Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Geoffrey Wright refused to toss the penalties imposed by the New York State Liquor Authority against W.i.P., where the fight occurred, and its neighboring parent club, Greenhouse.
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"It will ramp up the importance of speeches, including from deputy governors, in the future, while somewhat reducing the impact of the monetary policy report since forecast changes may be largely signaled in advance," Porter said.
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“I’m not hoping for anybody,” Cano said when asked about the Dodgers. “Teams are going to come. I don’t have anything in my mind, don’t have anybody in mind. I haven’t thought about anything.”
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"He told me, he said: 'It's not that I don't want your friends up here, it's that I don't want to see you kissing your friends or anything like that because I have crush on you ... a crush as in a friend, like family, like I care about you,'" Anderson said.
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Here are a few of the long-accepted graduation rates: Morris High School in the Bronx, 31%; Erasmus Hall High School in Brooklyn, 32%; Samuel J. Tilden High School in Brooklyn, 43%. All were beset by disorder and violence.
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At the Long Chaoshou, or Dragon’s Dumpling restaurant on Chunxi Road, climb the stairs to the second floor, where for around £10, the waitresses will deliver a banquet of tiny dishes, each one filled with a Chengdu delicacy. Or try the Old Shunxing teahouse with its grey slate floors and dark wood tables, where again an array of the city’s finest dishes is on offer, as is the chance to try a Sichuan-style ear cleaning, and a rather less compelling floor show of dancing and Sichuan opera.
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Claire Perry has done a great job speaking out on internet porn. But along with her blue chip city background I'd love to hear she had a secret passion for taxidermy - or something equally outside the Cameron Conservative mould.
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WASHINGTON (MNI) - Button-down Washington's biggest experiment yet inlapsed government, lapsed appropriations and a lapsed aversion to the absurd isamusing farce only until some spoilsport mentions default.
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He told MPs in the House of Commons: “It is not uncommon to encounter situations where offenders in one country will target and harvest victims in a completely different part of the world.”
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The dual loss of income from a job and the subsidy from the tax credit has hit single-mother families, which are at high risk of food insecurity, particularly hard. The Great Recession saw a collapse of access to credit, including home equity, which individuals might have used to buffer their food consumption against bouts of unemployment.
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The bank's shareholders are the City State of Hamburg andthe State of Schleswig-Holstein (85.4 percent), the SavingsBanks Association of Schleswig-Holstein (5.3 percent) and J.C.Flowers, whose stake has fallen to 9.3 percent from 26.6 percentafter it was diluted by state-funded bailout.
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Oaktree looked at selling the company in 2011, pursuing apossible deal with the world's biggest spirits group Diageo and then later considering a listing on the Warsawbourse before eventually deciding to keep hold of it.
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Guinea experienced a coup in 2008, hours after long-time President Lansana Conte died. Following the coup, the army dissolved parliament and it was not until February 2010 that a National Transitional Council was appointed to assume the role of the legislature and begin creating conditions for a return to civilian rule.
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The island of Mindanao where Zamboanga is located has witnessed decades of violence since the 1970s. It has recently been quieter, although several areas are said to be outside the government’s control.
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A 2011 report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control showed that about 6,000 people a year seek emergency treatment for heat illnesses suffered while playing sports or participating in other recreational activities outdoors.
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Kobe Steel Ltd, which generates power at itsfactories using blast furnace gas as fuel, has bigger plans.Japan's No. 3 steelmaker aims to build Japan's biggest inlandthermal power plant north of Tokyo, a 1,400 MW gas-firedstation. The facility will be supplied by gas from an expandednetwork planned by Tokyo Gas Co, Japan's biggest citygas supplier and one of three shareholders of Ennet. The othersare Osaka Gas Co and a unit of NTT Facilities Inc.
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Whether Cerberus' interest leads to a bid is not clear, says the report. BlackBerry announced a tentative acquisition deal with Fairfax Financial Holdings that values the smartphone maker at $4.7 billion.
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Content in the game is gated according to character types, and they break down a few different ways. First, there are the elements. Each character is associated with one of eight elements: the four classical elements of earth, air, fire, and water, plus two more opposed pairs in life vs undead and magic vs tech.
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Americans are split when it comes to the line they want the federal government to take between balancing civil liberties and fighting terrorism. About 43 percent say the administration has gone too far, 38 percent say it's about right and 17 percent say it hasn't gone far enough.
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On Tuesday, Abe did not go to into details of his growth strategies, but stressed that his government will put an emphasis on executing those ideas, not just planning them like past administrations did.
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The University of Aberdeen received more than $320,000 from the U.K. nonprofit Association for International Cancer Research (AICR) to study "shark IgNAR antibodies." The three-year study will focus on whether the compounds found in sharks' blood can stop cancer cells from growing.
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“I was, of course, crying slash wailing and then my dad and brother and his family came up the driveway and then everybody was cry/wailing,” she added. “It was very special. A perfect night.”
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The Manhattan district attorney's office declined to commenton questions about whether the SUV driver could be charged forrunning over one of the bikers. (Reporting by Barbara Goldberg; Editing by Peter Cooney)
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Omid said Teva still had problems in the medium and longterm, mainly how to reduce its dependence on its multiplesclerosis Copaxone, which accounts for 20 percent of its salesand 50 percent of profits. It may face competition from genericrivals next year.
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 How much is a Second Class stamp? thesis on wireless communication “It’s sad that one of the young faces of our game hasproved to be a cheater and has violated the system,” said ESPNbaseball analyst Aaron Boone, who player 12 seasons in the majorleagues. “There was a feeling from a lot of us that he hadalways gotten off on a technicality.”
essay on microsoft excel A team of expert cavers explored the Er Wang Dong cave system in the Chongquing province of China and have taken the first-ever photographs of the natural wonder. They were amazed to discover the entrance to a hidden cave that was previously undiscovered and were stunned when they managed to climb inside to see a space so large that it can contain a cloud. Photographer and caver Robbie Shone, from Manchester, was part of a team of 15 explorers on a month-long expedition that discovered the hidden system.
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The Senate's new bill would formally add cybersecurity toNIST's statutory authority to ensure it continues to work withthe industry on voluntary standards and best practices afterObama's order expires. The draft also seeks to better educateAmericans in cybersecurity, improve research in the field andstart a public awareness campaign.
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National Transportation Safety Board investigator Patrick Murray said Saturday the plane was upside down when it struck a house at about a 60 degree angle. He said the pilot was making his first approach to the airport and did not declare an emergency before the crash.
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Mr. King said Lowndes High School, which is predominately white, “has earned its reputation as a football powerhouse.” He believes segments of the community are trying to protect the status of the football team and the school.
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An eyewitness video of the crash, broadcast on state television, showed the green and white passenger bus's windows shattering as it split in half, forcing other vehicles on the road to swerve wildly out of its way.
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He has dedicated himself to counseling incarcerated women in Hudson County and has attended seminary to become an Episcopal priest. Mr. McGreevey lives with his longtime partner, Mark O’Donnell, a New York City money manager.
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He is, to some, the pulse of the Giants that has been beating strong since 2010 when he signed a five-year, $37 million contract. He immediately welcomed the big stage after five years of relative anonymity in Arizona. But he didn’t welcome Coughlin’s unwavering rules and rigid system. Even his teammates knew in those early years that it looked like a marriage doomed to fail.
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The worker, who asked not to be named, says his job nowconsists of loading and moving cardboard boxes at a warehouse.He won an arbitration case last year, but the company appealedand the case is now in court.
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Samsung, with a longer history in China, now has three times the number of retail stores as Apple, and has been more aggressive in courting consumers and creating partnerships with phone operators. It also appears to be in better position, over an arc of time, to fend off the growing assault of homegrown competitors such as Lenovo Group Ltd, Huawei Technologies Co Ltd and ZTE Corp, former company executives, analysts and industry sources say.
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 A pension scheme objectives of a research paper Telecom operators in Brazil are betting they can grow asmore consumers adopt smartphones to surf the Web on the go, andget broadband access at home. Smartphone adoption in Brazilstands at 16 percent of the population, roughly half of that inPortugal or the United States, while only 10 percent havebroadband at home.
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 Could you tell me the number for ? scholarship essay for community service Conjuring - @5.10 - No - it is many of the Tea Party supporters who are the RINO's. Anyone who wants to change the constitution in a way that is in opposition to the Constitution is not a true conservative. Political party stances (platform) change temporarily with the breeze; fundamental ideologies are not so malleable. Question - Do YOU support EVERY position that your political party takes (if you are affiliated with one)? But, you are right when you say that the Tea Party would not support Reagan - at least not if they bothered to actually look at his record.
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* HSBC - A unit of British bank HSBC Holdings was hit on Thursdaywith a record $2.46 billion final judgment in a U.S. securities class actionlawsuit against a business formerly known as Household International Inc.
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A series of major setbacks in recent years included a 2011 NATO air strike that mistakenly killed Pakistani border guards and another incident that year in which a CIA contractor killed two men on the streets of Lahore.
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Speaking with the Daily News, Outen said that she's simply pursuing a passion. "I love being out in the wild," she said. "But out in the ocean, there's lots of frightening moments." In September, the endurance athlete became the first woman to row from Japan to Alaska, taking 150 days to complete the unfathomable task. There are palpable sacrifices to this nomadic lifestyle. For instance, Outen spent her 28th birthday alone at sea. "But I had balloons and a birthday banner. There's a lot of wildlife, fish, dolphins, turtles, and sharks," she said.
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Even veterans who seem to know every blade of grass on the course can benefit from a good partner out there. Seven-time Bridgestone winner Tiger Woods proved that with the help and counsel of caddie Joe LaCava.
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They include shoes and furniture used by the series' main characters, small chemistry lab pieces and briefcases and hats emblazoned with the logo of the Drug Enforcement Administration, the federal law enforcement agency that plays a central part in the show, she said.
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Uralkali has a much lower cost of production than rival PotashCorp of Saskatchewan, which was briefly Canada's most valuable company in 2010 before the government stepped in and blocked a $40 billion takeover offer from Australian mining giant BHP Billiton.
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Take-Two has yet to announce a version of "Grand Theft Auto V" for those next-generation consoles. The arrival of the new technology could create a "friction point" for continued sales, Benchmark's Hickey said.
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Henrik Lundqvist and the Rangers have not agreed yet to a long-term contract extension, but on Wednesday the 31-year-old franchise goaltender told SVT Sport in Sweden that "it's hard to picture myself playing elsewhere."
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The Parades Commission – the body that adjudicates over controversial marches – has come under attack from unionist politicians who claim it has bowed to pressure from republican dissidents. Last year anti-ceasefire republicans were blamed for orchestrating riots in Ardoyne in protest at the Orangemen returning along the same route.
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The American people have an unreasonable trust in this government that is almost unique in the West, but NO government is completely worthy of that degree of trust. It is human nature that ALL power will be misused in relation to the amount it has available, and this wealthy-controlled government is clearly out of touch with reality in terms of national priorities. But then oligarchs rarely see the issues in national terms.
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The new pipeline and export terminal will give oil sandsproducers in landlocked Alberta, where heavy crude trades at adiscount to the West Texas Intermediate benchmark, access tohigh-priced Atlantic markets for the first time.
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Back in 2010, there was a Super Harvest Moon — the first one in two decades and the last until 2029 — when the seasonal lunar event happened on the night of the autumnal equinox, offering what Phillips describes as “maximum illumination.”
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"I didn't expect this," Daniels said. "I usually don't win anything. The last thing I won was for 'The Squid and the Whale,' best actor over 50 from the AARP. With all due respect to the AARP, this is better."
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THE ANALYSIS: Michael Rollins of Citi Investment Research said that Sprint's new unlimited My Way Plan offers unlimited talk, text and data for $80 per month — which is $30 less than the company's previous Simply Everything unlimited plan. The analyst said in a client note that he believes the new unlimited plan could help Sprint compete better against its rivals while also providing better value to customers.
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A spokeswoman for the Department of Health said: "Older people play an incredibly important role in society, and are the lynchpins of many families and communities. They should be able to look forward to a happy and healthy old age, without having to face discrimination or catastrophic care costs.
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The NTSB is the lead investigator of Asiana Airlines flight 214, a Boeing 777 that broke apart and burned after crash-landing short of the runway. Two teenage Chinese passengers were killed, and more than 180 other people were injured in the first fatal accident involving a 777 since the plane was introduced in 1995.
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The vote is being closely watched by Berlin's Europeanpartners, with some hoping Chancellor Merkel will soften herapproach towards struggling euro states like Greece if she ispushed into a 'grand coalition' with the Social Democrats (SPD).
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dissertation writing help service They do, as he's explained, you've misunderstood. I think your reasoning is that because there has been a decrease in crime rates games don't affect violence or aggression. But then that would indicate that you haven't thought about it enough if I'm honest. You're missing the other variables. Increased alcohol rates and depression could be in part affected, or maybe all the statistics that don't get reported… like how angry the average gamer is underneath, but myriad other factors stop them from committing criminal acts. I understand you think that it literally means 'see criminal violence, do criminal violence = crime statistics rise' but in actual fact, the best place for you to look is comment boxes. If you pop over to Gamespot right now you will see something interesting, a 9/10 review of the game with thousands of seemingly hilarious comments that aren't actually hilarious at all. They include threats, personal attacks a whole swathe of different sorts of cyber-bullying. All because someone didn't give the neat new toy all the kids are playing a perfect score (many other reviews have given it much less, aside from the winning 10's) – this is not evidence, as much as your crime statistics aren't. We're in comment boxes, and you're using the name 'Frobnoid' to represent yourself. Gamers trawling around the new unliking comments that disagree with them and liking ones that don't; I imagine there is a lot of aggression underlying the choice to do that and to take the time out of the day and the precious little time we're afforded on this earth… all over reviews and what is now called discourse on consumable media. Yes you can hashtag #firstworldproblems or #embarrassinggamers or all of those other things floating around but in truth it's just kind of sad.
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The apartment complex was on the brink of foreclosure when Maricopa County purchased it with federal stimulus funds in May 2011. Arizona Housing Inc., a non-profit organization, manages the complex to house low-income and formerly homeless residents. Fifty chronically homeless men and women were moved in this month using federal housing vouchers. Another 40 will find a home there in the next two weeks.
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Members of the council met shortly after another international group voted to fast-track Syria's addition to the Chemical Weapons Convention, which bans such weapons, according to CNN. The Guardian reported that Syria would have until November to destroy all of its chemical weapons stockpile.
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Over the past century, such patients - sometimes called "outliers" or "super responders" - have stood out by staging remarkable recoveries, or long-term benefit, from cancer drugs that provide little or no help to others. Little heed has been paid to them because there was no way to know why they fared so well. In most cases, the drugs that helped them were abandoned because they helped too few patients.
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Divers have found human remains in the twisted hulk of the Costa Concordia luxury ship, which may solve the mystery of two passengers who were never found after the liner slammed into rocks off Italy's coast in January 2012.
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In 1975, Business Week ran a cover article called The Office Of The Future. In it, George E Pake, head of research at Xerox, predicted "a revolution… over the next 20 years", involving a television display terminal sitting on his desk.
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The improving economy and falling unemployment rate was expected to be enough of a catalyst for the Fed to ease its so-called quantitative easing. The Fed has been buying $85 billion in Treasury bonds and other securities a month.
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Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff speaks during a ceremony where she signs into law, the bill that allocates the country's oil royalties to education and health care, at the Planalto Palace in Brasilia September 9, 2013.
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Well naturally the Libyan people are not happy. Ghaddafi had lots of welfare and the Libyan people lived well, free healthcare and education. Cash for newly wed couples a baby bonus and many other things that Americans cannot afford. Since the US organized al Qaeda invasion the Libyan people have been oppressed and the huge foreign reserves and gold that Libya had has disappeared. Also oil revenue is almost non existent as western companies just don’t pay for the oil they take. The Chinese always paid for the oil?
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The military says it was responding to the will of the Egyptian people to impeach a failed president after millions of people took to the streets on June 30. The Muslim Brotherhood calls the action a military coup. Washington has avoided the word ‘coup,’ recognizing that if it were to call it one it would as a matter of policy have to cancel $1.5 billion in annual aid to Egypt.
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He is expected to propose the 10 per cent pay rise from the current £66,396 a year, accompanied by a “dramatic” cut in the final salary pension offered to MPs, one of the most generous available.
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