Derde bak
Door: Gerard Laernoes

Uitgegeven op 21-04-2016 om 23:07

Derde bak

We worden verblijd met een derde afvalbak.
De gemeente Hollands Kroon kan haar geluk niet op.
'Maar liefst 75 % is voor invoering, om die uitslag kunnen wij niet heen.'

Er is echter wel een kanttekening bij te plaatsen.
Nog geen anderhalf procent van de 47.000 inwoners heeft zijn mening gegeven.
Van een echte volksraadpleging is dus geen sprake: 0,9 % was voor.
Die 75 % voorstanders moet dus met een flinke hoeveelheid zout worden genomen.

Op een bewonersavond waren 7 bezoekers voor en 5 tegen invoering.
Ook al geen aantallen die echt overtuigen.
Er was ook nog n briefschrijver, die was er niet voor.
Honderd procent van de briefschrijvers was dus tegen.

Van de tegenstemmers noemde het merendeel plaatsgebrek een belangrijk element.
Maar de gemeente gaat samen met deze inwoners zoeken naar een maatwerkoplossing.
Lijkt me lastig maar wie weet.

Na enig speurwerk heb ik een voorstemmer gevonden.
Die heeft al weer spijt van zijn voorstem omdat nu blijkt dat deze derde bak ten koste gaat van zijn grijze bak: die wordt dan maar eens in de vier weken geleegd.

Het College van B. en W. heeft het besluit genomen.
Welke kleur zou deze bak krijgen?
Ik gok blauw. Maar geel is ook wel erg vrolijk.
Krijgen we daar nog inspraak in?

Gerard Laernoes,
21 april 2016.

Reacties (1332)
@2016-04-21 23:31:55
 Maar ik heb vrijdag 50% kans om de Lotto te winnen, 29 miljoen Euro!

Simpel, ik heb 1 lot, het is ja of nee!
@2016-04-22 07:49:14
 Jammer dat je dan maar 14,5M krijgt Henk Jan
@2016-04-22 09:23:21
 Het wordt geen blauwe, die kleur bewaren ze voor de rolemmer waar in de toekomst het oud papier in moet.
De Wieringer
@2016-04-22 11:02:24
 Verenigingen plaats gauw zelf een oud papier bak
Want de volgende rol emmer ontneemt jullie je inkomen
@2016-04-22 12:13:50
 De gemeente Hollands Kroon doet toch alleen maar wat zij zelf willen.
Luisteren naar de inwoners is "not done" lijkt het wel.
@2016-04-22 14:15:02
 En dan nog maar om te zwijgen de poll op Wieringernieuws tegenover de poll van de gemeente over het vuurtorentje in Den Oever.....
@2016-04-22 15:21:18
 En deze extra bak gaat vast ook extra kosten.
het is een derde bak maar het is 50% meer als twee bakken. Welke percentage zal de gemeente gaan gebruiken de afvalheffing te verhogen??
Wim van Hest
@2016-04-22 16:30:28
 Zal er niet raar van staan te kijken dat de gemeenten veel meer werk heeft om de bermen schoon te houden als de grijze bak 1 maal per maand geleegd gaat worden
@2016-04-22 16:35:35
 In principe zou het niets extra moeten kosten. Nu wordt de grijze bak twee keer geleegd en 1 x per maand een ophaalronde voor het plastic. Straks is het 2 keer de plastic bak en 1 ophaalronde voor de grijze. Volgens mij blijft het aantal ritten dan hetzelfde. Bovendien scheelt het wel zwerfvuil. Met name bij harde wind tollen die plastic zakken nog wel eens door de straten en ze scheuren gemakkelijk. Verder is in de zomer een maand lang plastic vleeswarenbakjes e.d. ook geen feest in je schuur. Voor mij dus reden om voor te stemmen.
@2016-04-23 06:47:51
 Ik heb mijn grijze rolcontainer echt wel vol na 2 weken en daar zit dan geen plastic of blik enz. In. Dus met een groot gezin heb je straks 2 grijze rolcontainers nodig.
@2016-04-23 08:17:29
 Doe mij maar een oranje bak voor het plastic , maar dan evengoed wel de groene en grijze bakken optijd blijven legen.
Nog beter zou het zijn om op diverse plekken ondergrondse containers te plaatsen

Oud papier kan ik elke dag inleveren bij de Branding , die hebben eigen blauwe containers.
@2016-04-23 08:28:38
 Briljante wethouder.
Maakt van krap 1 procent 75.
Ik zou nog geen tweedehands auto van hem kopen.
@2016-04-23 17:59:38
 Mart heeft het bij het rechte eind.
Die wethouder is een GROOTmeester in het manipuleren met getallen.
@2016-04-23 18:27:54
 schuine bak
@2016-04-24 21:16:10
 'Om die uitslag kunnen wij niet heen.'
Drogreden bij krap 1 %.
Doet denken aan Luther: 'Hier sta ik, ik kan niet anders.'
In dit geval: 'Ik wil niet anders.'
@2016-04-25 01:57:12
 Het werkt niet, onder in de gele bak grijs en daarboven een zakje plastic.. en dan????
@2016-04-25 01:59:21
 Op Schiphol wordt alles apart ingezameld, mooi streven. Vervolgens wordt dat opgeruimd door mensen uit Afrika die de taal niet spreken, ik heb het gezien, nu nog, iedere dag, ze flikkeren alles in 1 zak....
@2016-04-25 10:41:58
 Is dit een geintje of is het een bak.
Lachen toch met deze Wethouwer.
@2016-04-25 11:23:50
 Alleenstaanden krijgen ook zo'n bak van 240 liter terwijl 140 liter al groot genoeg zou zijn.Zelf een kleinere bak zou volstaan.
In 't Zand zijn deze mini bakjes bij bejaarden en alleenstaanden ook in nog in gebruik.Nu bieden ze zelfs een tweede plasticafvalcontainer gratis aan.Waar haal je de moed vandaan als je weet dat er veel inwoners met zo'n klein mini bakje prima kunnen volstaan.
Jan van Dijk
@2016-04-27 20:38:08
 Blijkt, dat Henk Jan een slechte redactie heeft en v.w.b. het Wieringernieuws.....
Weinig score.
Iedereen heeft door dat het Wieringernieuws niets meer voorsteld en dat Henk jan tevreden is met de opbrengst van advertenties en het gemeenteraad geld.
@2016-04-28 19:19:20
 De heer Van Dijk heeft de verkeerde bak buiten gezet.
Zijn opmerkingen hebben niets met bovenstaande column te maken.
Jan van Dijk
@2016-04-29 16:49:39
 Maar ik ben een echte volger van het Wieringernieuws Ineke. Ik zou graag willen dat Henk Jan en zijn maten wat meer inhoud, binnen zijn Wieringernieuws brengen. Of is het U wel voldoende. Ik wil de man prikkelen tot een groter...iets meer nieuws. Meer niet.

Vriendelijke groeten Jan van Dijk
Jan van Dijk
@2016-04-29 16:54:41
 En wat Gerard schrijft, dat volg ik heel graag. Het was maar een opmerking en een gevoel. Geen gekat.....maar ik hoop dat ik een positief gevoel kan inbrengen.
@2016-05-01 19:35:26
 Derde bak hoeft voor mij niet, zoals het nu gaat is prima. Ik wil plastic nog wel verzamelen, maar de rest gaat in de grijze. We kunnen ook doorslaan met sorteren en alles maar onder de noemer goed voor het milieu zetten. Alle veranderingen zijn niet altijd de voordeligste en nodig.
@2016-05-01 19:41:57
 Het is beter, dat er weer 1x in de maand grofvuil wordt opgehaald, dan die onzin van derde bak.
Jan van Dijk
@2016-05-04 16:55:54
 Ik bemerk dat het Wieringernieuws weer wat uitgebreider naar de lezers wordt gebracht. Super! Bedankt.
Maximus Wironi
@2016-05-08 22:36:52
 Wat we er van vinden maakt niet uit. Ze drukken het gewoon door je strot. Bak vol en pas volgende week lezen?...Maakt niet uit ....dan donder ik het gewoon in een andere nog lege bak. Extra betalen moeten we er toch wel voor....
@2016-06-11 10:10:47
 K9jEfZ rtktkcyjvsbc, [url=]qxevvefsioqy[/url], [link=]wnfwuyrovhnu[/link],
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Hasan is representing himself, and was expected to cross examine witnesses. The drama of accused confronting the victims of his attack, however, did not come today because Hasan chose not to question Lunsford, the first witness called by the prosecution.
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“He wiped out generations and he ruined lives forever,” prosecutor Lt. Col. Jay Morse said, according to Reuters. “He should be known by one official title from this day until the day he dies: inmate.”
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"We are here to remind the world that Zimbabwe is not yet free," said Butholezwe Nyathi, one of the trio who wrapped a thick silver chain around their necks at the base of the 2.7 meter (9 foot) high bronze statue in Johannesburg's Mandela Square.
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For the Socialists, who devoted part of their own summer convention last month to a debate over the role of the National Front, the popularity of its anti-austerity, anti-EU stance is a headache at a time when President Francois Hollande must rein in budget deficits. Hollande's popularity is at record lows for this stage in his presidential term.
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Lenders to companies whose schemes are in deficit, or others seeking to restructure such firms, are expected to be reassured. Giles Frampton of R3, the insolvency trade body, said: "The Nortel decision is to be welcomed in that it appears to restore a fair balance between the rights of pension funds and other creditors in administrations."
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Still the U.K. economy remains well behind its pre-crisis peak. As government bond yields serve as the floor for corporate borrowing costs, a sharp rise in gilt yields could hit the recovery, something the BOE is keen to avert.
cout du depo provera Bacterial resistance was identified shortly afterantibiotics were first used in the 1940s, said Steve Solomon,acting director for the epidemiology and analysis program officeat the Atlanta-based CDC. In the past, there were always moreantibiotics in development. Now, the antibiotic pipeline haslargely dried up, leaving doctors without new weapons againstthe illnesses -- a “nightmare,” Solomon said.
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(The study authors noted that employees of the CDC’s Office of Smoking and Health were not involved in collecting data for the study, though they did analyze and interpret the data and write the final report.)
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nexium desconto uso continuo The New Haven Line, the railroad’s busiest, carries almost135,000 commuters daily, according to Malloy’s office. Servicestalled at about 5:30 a.m. after a Con Edison feeder cable thatsupplies the railroad’s overhead lines failed, according toMetro-North, which is operated by New York’s MetropolitanTransportation Authority. Con Edison said another line normallyproviding power to the New Haven Line was out for repairs.
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The company said it would use the funds to cancel more expensive financing it has with French bank Natixis, lowering its cost of debt. The operation will eventually further lower ACS's stake in Iberdrola, and one analyst said it may net ACS cash to pay down its 6 billion euros of debt.
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Martin, 32, said the short trip to his law firm in downtown San Francisco took him two hours each way. If BART workers strike next week, he just won’t go into the office. “It’s just not worth it for me.”
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The survey involved 1,162 children in 15 primary schools in the United Kingdom. Almost a fifth said they had no schooling on safe Internet use, a significant majority surfed online without parental supervision, and 12 percent said any attempts at safety lessons were useless.
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These are just some of the "guizi", the derogatory Chinese term for the Japanese occupiers during World War Two, that will die at the hands of Chinese troops defending their sovereign land, in a new Chinese video game released on Thursday, the anniversary of the People's Liberation Army's (PLA) founding.
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A BART strike in early July brought the system to a halt in the crowded Northern California region, but a court-ordered cooling-off period requested by Governor Jerry Brown forced employees back to work for an additional two months.
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"Up until now it had been thought that the anatomical peculiarities of bony fishes - the group that would eventually give rise to human beings - are specialisations that arose later in vertebrate evolutionary history in our own bony fish lineage."
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Our organs are of no use to us when we’re dead. Donating them can save or greatly improve the lives of up to 10 other people. If the evidence suggests (as it seems to) that opt-out organ donation would save lives, we should adopt such a system, or at least consider trialling it in some jurisdictions.
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Asked whether the delegation had insisted on Mursi's reinstatement as part of any political deal, Malt, a member of the Brotherhood-affiliated Wasat party, said that was a detail for future discussion.
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zyrtec krople na recepte czy nie "Disgust is an organ - like an eye or an ear. It has a purpose, it's there for a reason," she said. "Just like a leg gets you from A to B, disgust tells you which things you are safe to pick up and which things you shouldn't touch."
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ciproxin online kaufen The theory behind indulgences is that Jesus, by his life and death, merited any amount of debt-forgiveness. Through the Communion of Saints, it is argued, the Church can share out this spiritual wealth. An indulgence is rather like a pension fund: for every pound that the worker puts in (or every prayer said by the believer), the employer puts in his own contribution (or the Church distributes the merits of its saints).
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Since the data is overwhelming that predictions are basically “worthless,” why do investors continue to pay attention to them, often to their financial detriment? Kahneman provides this answer: "Facts that challenge such basic assumptions – and thereby threaten people’s livelihood and self-esteem – are simply not absorbed. The mind does not digest them."
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Yankees assistant general manager Billy Eppler spent time in Japan last month, getting a look at Tanaka. According to reports out of Japan, the Rangers, Red Sox and Diamondbacks were among the other teams that have scouted the righthander in person in recent months.
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Silver Lake has not had any discussions with BlackBerry about taking it private or any other transaction, the source said. But should Silver Lake's Dell buyout succeed, the source said, one option could be for a collaboration with BlackBerry in mobile computing - an area where the PC maker has struggled.
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The consensus of 10 economists polled by Reuters showed the economy will grow 2.6 percent in the fiscal year to the end of June 2014, lower than April's forecast of 3.0 percent and a September 2012 forecast of 4.0 percent.
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However, the NFL remained quiet about what exactly Goodell's meeting with Google was about. "We are not commenting on any specifics of the meetings," said Hunter. YouTube had no comment regarding the NFL meeting, while Google has not made an official statement.
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The economic projections provided by the members of the Board of Governors and the presidents of the Federal Reserve Banks inform discussions of monetary policy among policymakers and can aid public understanding of the basis for policy actions. Considerable uncertainty attends these projections, however. The economic and statistical models and relationships used to help produce economic forecasts are necessarily imperfect descriptions of the real world, and the future path of the economy can be affected by myriad unforeseen developments and events. Thus, in setting the stance of monetary policy, participants consider not only what appears to be the most likely economic outcome as embodied in their projections, but also the range of alternative possibilities, the likelihood of their occurring, and the potential costs to the economy should they occur.
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pletal 100mg tabletten kaufen Such as: The so-called “Southern Avenger,” a former radio shock jock who is a longtime aide on Sen. Rand Paul’s staff, wore a ski mask emblazoned with the Stars and Bars of the Confederate Flag. He praised John Wilkes Booth. He sent out many pieces of bigoted prose. He described the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday as “Happy N----r Day.” This is actual bigotry, too strong for even Hannity to justify.
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Coal plants that were forced to compete on price managed to purchase cheaper coal. Not just that: remember that power plants used to be reimbursed for their capital investments. No longer -- so they started using cleaner low-sulfur coal, which made it unnecessary for them to invest heavily in capital-intensive abatement technology. What does that remind you of? Yes, the competitive roofer doesn't use his buddy's crummy materials, and doesn't install decorative solar panels when asked to just stop the roof from leaking.
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If such banks are solvent but could need fresh capital in stressed conditions "the supervisor should be free to continue his or her supervisory action so as to increase the capital of the bank as needed without any danger of the creditors of the bank or any fear by them that they could be bailed in. That's why backstops ought to be in place.
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Aiken's injuries made that fight more difficult. He limped from office to office to press his case to an unyielding bureaucracy. With short-term and long-term memory loss, he struggled to keep appointments and remember key dates and events. His PTSD symptoms alienated some staff. "He would have an outburst ... (and) they would treat him as if he was like a bad soldier," says Monica. "They weren't compassionate."
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“The Bachelorette” Desiree Hartsock saved her best for last Monday night. During the show’s final ceremony, she handed a rose to Chris Siegfried, who then proposed marriage. Now, she can hardly wait for their life together to begin.
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The FCA says the market is at last taking notice. Regulatorydata on suspicious share price moves ahead of UK mergers andacquisition announcements has been a potential measure of howendemic misconduct such as insider dealing is in London.
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He also sniped at U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power's use of Twitter. "Can someone again brief @AmbassadorPower that Bashar Assad likely doesn't follow her Twitter feed?" he recently wrote.
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France has a small force in Bangui securing the airport and its local interests. French diplomatic sources have said Paris would be ready to provide logistical support and increase its troop numbers to between 700 and 750 if needed.
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harga acyclovir salep Red Sox closer Koji Uehara will hope to get an opportunity to extend his electric run of shutting opponents down. He pitched a 1-2-3 ninth Friday and has retired 37 straight batters - 17 by strikeout - for the longest run by a reliever since Bobby Jenks set down 41 in a row for the Chicago White Sox in 2007.
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"It is impossible to fathom that the state can constitutionally put to death a man who thinks he is the 'Prince of God' and who believes he has a destiny of being the right hand of God and returning to purify earth after the State tries to kill him," Handman said in a statement before Ferguson's previously scheduled execution last October.
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The company is now forecasting revenue of $4.45 billion to$4.55 billion this year, down from $4.5 billion to $4.6 billionpreviously. Yahoo also reported that second-quarter net revenuewas down slightly at $1.071 billion, though it posted adjustedprofit that was ahead of Wall Street targets.
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tai ginseng n tonikum preisvergleich The U.S.-Russia deal averted punitive U.S. military actionagainst Assad's government, which Washington blamed for theAugust attack. The Syrian government and its ally, Russia,blamed anti-government rebels for the attack.
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So what makes a good leader? In essence, a chief executive will need to know what their mission is and why their company exists, they will need to have a vision for where their firm should go, and know how progress towards that goal will be measured.
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While fellow candidate Anthony Weiner's extramarital sexual transgressions have dominated the headlines, a perplexing reality of the race for mayor of the nation's largest city is Quinn's failure to lock up the votes of women and gays, even though she herself is both.
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* UK unemployment data is set for release at 0830 GMT, with the numbers nowback in focus as new Bank of England Governor Mark Carney has linked a fall injobless figures to any future rise in interest rates.
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The Canadian bank's pragmatism appears to have struck homewith other firms which, like RBC, languish at the bottom ofsovereign league tables - never committing quite enough capitalto win fee-paying syndications, or with the specialism tobenefit from ancillary business.
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Zhang Jing, the widow of Xia Junfeng, says she will continue to seek redress for her husband who she insists killed the officers in self-defence because they had allegedly detained and beaten him, the newspaper adds.
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Independent-minded backbenchers like Priti Patel and Andrea Leadsom have been overlooked, and Government is the poorer for it. Both are seen as serial rebels, and with an election coming up, loyalty is what counts. Independent thought is irrelevant.
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As their revenues began falling from the recession, many states tried to protect education and cut other areas first. The 2009 federal economic stimulus plan provided aid specifically for schools. But states' revenues had not recovered by the time the plan's funds ran out, and most places ultimately cut education to help balance their budgets.
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Monteith was selected for his co-starring role in Glee despite having no training as a singer. For the audition he compiled a video in which he played drums “on overturned Tupperware, coffee mugs and wine glasses” with pencils — “to show them that I’m musical”. Before the follow-up audition with executives from the Fox network he worked hard on improving his voice.
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"Another thing we got in trouble for is letting some of the interns, or quality control guys, sit in the room with the coaches while we watched film. Not giving any input, just sit there and learn ... and that's a violation. There are schools now that are hiring ex-NFL coaches and scouts to do that full-time for them. And I got a violation because of that."
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CLOSE GUANTANAMO NOW. PROSECUTE THESE GUYS IN THE OPEN AND QUIT LOWERING AMERICAN VALUES TO THE TERRORISTS LEVELS BY USING CLANDISTINE AND MILITARY INCARCERATION FACILITIES IN ORDER TO USE QUESTIONBLE INTEROGATION TECHNIQUES TO GET INFORMATION OUT OF THEM. THIS SEEMS MORE A GAME BY REPUBLICANS TO KEEP THE GUANTANAMO FACILITY OPEN. Abu Anas has been indicted in a New York federal court and that is where he should be tried. Very few of those charged with offenses and being tried by the military tribunals have been convicted in the decade since 9/11. Those terrorist processed through the justice system in federal court have seen over 90% conviction rate. What seems to be the problem with Republicans that they are so adverse to speedy and fair justice being render in these terrorist cases??? It is costing taxpayers millions and millions of dollars to continue to operate Guantanamo with a very poor return on our money. It is a fiscal anchor on the Pentagon budget and does considerable damage to American prestige through out the world. There is absolutely no credible intelligence coming from these detainees after a decade of incarceration and virtually no contact with the outside world. Republican legislators need to do a reality check on what America’s immediate priorities are all about. I am quite sure the majority of Americans, like me, would be more that satisfied to see these terrorist tried, convicted and put in prison for the rest of their lives or whatever just sentence is handed down by the court. Where is the justice in isolating these prisoners for decades without ever having their cases adjudicated and existing in perpetual limbo?
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Ben Venue has repeatedly violated good manufacturing practices, the FDA said in a statement. Recent FDA inspections found that poorly maintained equipment deteriorated to the point that it shed particles into injectable drugs.
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A presenter said five blue and green plastic storage drums shown in video footage, along with rusty mortar bombs, grenades, domestic gas canisters and vials labeled "atropine", a nerve gas antidote, were proof that rebels had used chemical weapons.
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"We are the future," the 60-year-old president shouted to an audience of chanting, flag-waving supporters in her first major address after Sunday's open primary, in which her coalition captured only 26 percent of the nationwide vote. In the primary, voters chose the candidates who will run in the midterm congressional election in October.
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Ben Dworkin, political science professor at Rider College near the state capital, Trenton, said by staking out his position as wanting voters to decide, Christie "should be fine in his presidential ambitions."
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Sinners will not have to bother with the expense and hassle of travelling to Rio de Janeiro, where the Pope will preside over a series of events under the umbrella of World Youth Day, to obtain the traditional "plenary indulgence".
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The fall in income from holidaymakers has left many of Cairo’s carriage drivers unable to feed their horses, which are used to pull carriages around an archaeological site that includes three pyramid complexes and the Great Sphinx.
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Indeed, it had practically vanished from popular memory that the Germans caused great losses to their main enemy, Great Britain, in World War I through targeted torpedo strikes against the royal merchant navy. At the beginning of the war, there were only 28 U-boats under the supreme command of Kaiser Wilhelm II, a tiny number compared to the Allied fleet.
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In return for imposing a media blackout on his own employees, A-Rod was saluted for a righteous stance, not only for the greater good of the Yankees but MLB, too (“There are so many great stories going on in baseball....”). Rodriguez took the momentum back. The victory in the court of public opinion will be temporary.
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“It all starts with the uncertainty,” said Marcus Vanzant, broker and owner of Marcus & Co. Realty in Bradenton. “When it comes to buying a home, there's just so many people with their hands in the fire. One little thing can turn the whole deal upside-down, and impact everyone involved.”
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A category 4 hurricane with winds of 135 mph and a 949 millibar central pressure made landfall over Dade County in south Florida. Peak gusts hit 150 mph at Homestead and 107 mph at Miami. 200 people were injured at the Army Air Base in Homestead when a fire ignited during the storm, affecting three hangars and destroying 25 blimps, 366 planes, and 150 automobiles. 1632 residences were destroyed and 5372 were damaged across the state. 4 people were killed and damages total $54 million.
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James' profile received a message from a woman called Kristine based in London. The woman behind Kristine told the investigation she had set up a profile on Cupid but she had not sent the team's profile a message. The message enticing the programme team's profile to pay a subscription to the website was fake.
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As the Pope was greeted by frenzied crowds after his arrival in Rio de Janeiro on Monday, reports surfaced that the homemade explosive device had been found by Brazilian authorities Sunday at the Aparacida Shrine, which is in the city of Aparacida, halfway between Rio and São Paulo. The device was reportedly detonated on Monday.
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Not to mention that some key data releases like the September employment report have been delayed. Comparing the monetary and fiscal authorities to co-pilots on a plane, the always-colorful Fisher said Congress hadn’t just pulled on the brakes even as the Fed continued to push full-throttle: “They’ve smashed the instrument panel.”
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 I'd like a phonecard, please findings dissertation Some of the people posting here who think they are conservatives ought to read some of the works of The Enlightenment (Erasmus, Locke, Kant, Mill, Hume, Rousseau, et al.) to understand what conservatism really is. Most of what is being advanced here as being conservative positions is really fascism. Go think on that one for a while, and read a history book in the meantime.
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 I'm at Liverpool University writing a dissertation outline “Jane Austen seems to be all over the place,” he says. But like many die-hard Janiacs, he fears that the overbranding of Austen — with big-hit parodies like “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies” and trendy tote bags emblazoned with Austen quotes — belittles her work. “It trivializes her and it diminishes the fact that she really was a subversive writer,” he says.
buy an essay now Hatch, Johnson and Vitter proposed an amendment to the T-HUD bill that would restrict severely any federal financing being used to help a local government exit receivership. Meanwhile, Vitter continued to push his own legislation that would prohibit both the use of federal monies to bail out state or local budgets as well as prevent the Federal Reserve from "providing assistance to, or creating a facility to help, any municipality, county or state."
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“I think the pressures to immediately bounce back after birth are out of control today,” Ashton said after Middleton gave birth in July. “After delivery, it takes a while for that muscle to contract, and that process takes a couple weeks.”
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Two of the world's biggest pulpits — the presidency of the United States and the papacy of the Roman Catholic Church — were used for common purpose last week as President Obama and Pope Francis both preached about the immorality of inequality.
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While Fisher told Reuters in an interview that he's sure that concerns on Wall Street have longer lives, he's unsure why that is, though he suspects the cause can be found in the changing nature of communication and its impact on media.
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The original September figure was 6.9 and analysts in aReuters poll had forecast the October reading at 7.0. Thestrengthening data chimed with other recent releases suggestinggradual but steady growth for the end of the year.
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 What do you want to do when you've finished? customer service essay introduction On this week's Daily News Fifth Yankees Podcast, Mark Feinsand sits down with Yankees outfielder Vernon Wells to discuss the current state of the team, the Ryan Braun and Alex Rodriguez controversies and much more.
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Further colleges will open, specialising in different subjects. One in Purfleet in Essex, will focus on the creative and cultural industries, one in Oxford on nursing care and social care, and another in Bromley, Kent, will specialise in food and enterprise careers.
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 Best Site good looking persuasive essay rubric Earlier, Senate Republicans described a high-stakes White House meeting with Obama as positive. Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, who is helping lead the effort on the Senate side to craft an alternative proposal, said she presented a plan to the White House that would fund the government for six months and raise the debt ceiling through the end of January. 
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The Senate bill called for $4 billion in cuts to the foodstamp program. Because of the huge difference between the twoversions, "this may be one of those issues that ultimately needsa little guidance from on high," Lucas said, referring toRepublican House Speaker John Boehner and Harry Reid, theDemocratic Senate Majority Leader.
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 I live in London something nobody knows about me essay The Pentagon will add to its fleet of aircraft aiding the fight against Africa warlord Joseph Kony, military records show, in an effort that U.S. officials claim has the head of the Lord's Resistance Army on the run.
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"If this story pans out that Huma actually had access to inside information while serving as a government official but at the same time serving as a strategic consultant to a firm that actively trades in the stock market, this could be quite a problem, " he said.
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 Will I have to work on Saturdays? argument of fact essay Parts of Colorado and Wyoming saw heavy snowfall during lastweek's storms that also brought more than a dozen of tornadoesto Iowa and Nebraska, injuring at least 15 people, damaginghomes and knocking down power lines. (Reporting by Michael Hirtzer in Chicago; Editing by BobBurgdorfer)
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After adjusting for other factors which might skew the results, almost a third of children born prematurely (31.5%) were found to record a low score at KS1 compared to just over a fifth (21.2%) of those born at term.
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 Could I order a new chequebook, please? my lifestyle essay Nothing says Hawaii like hula dancing. This ancient dance tradition was brought over by the Polynesians to the Hawaiian Islands as a form of entertainment for the high chiefs and a way to worship the gods. Many traditions of hula have been altered in recent decades, like the lei (a traditional flower necklace), which was intended as a gift to the gods that dancers were not allowed to wear after their routine, and the costume, which consisted of topless women wearing grass skirts and men wearing loin cloths. But despite becoming a more family-friendly event for tourists, the art form of hula dancing hasn't lost its beauty.
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It will furlough 84% of its workforce. The other 16% who will be asked to work include employees responsible for the care and protections of the facilities and collections as well as the care and feeding of the animals at the zoo.
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Bull and tiger sharks are most common, but lemon, nurse and reef sharks are also known to roam the waters. On Aqua Trek Beqa dives, the dive master will start the feed 15 meters bellow the water while tourists stay on the perimeter of the reef.
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Dufner drew level at the top when he sank a five-foot birdie putt at the par-five fourth, then briefly claimed the outright lead after hitting a brilliant approach that spun back to two feet at the tricky par-four fifth to set up a tap-in birdie.
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An important outcome of Olling’s project plan was the realization that space station crew rotation and resupply would dominate Project Olympus costs. Staffing and supplying the first station would, Olling calculated, require 47 Saturn C-IB launches over three years. If six-man Apollo-derived logistics spacecraft could not be reused, then the cost per spacecraft would amount to $14.2 million. Each expendable Saturn C-IB rocket and its launch operations would cost $38.7 million. Thus, over three years, the cost of crew rotation and resupply would total $1.819 billion. If each spacecraft could be reused at least once, then the cost would decrease, but not by as much as one might hope; crew rotation and resupply would still cost a total of $1.421 billion over three years.
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It is "the Islamic frame of reference versus old, entrenched, rich national identities", he says: "This identity clash is a root cause for the antagonism that wide social segments have for the Islamists."
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Apply this to the iPhone 5S, and let the dedicated few sit out in the rain and typhoons, and just get your order in online over the next few days. Apple’s repeated failure to keep up with demand mustn’t turn us into salivating maniacs, prepared to do almost anything to snatch a 5S this weekend. Relax, it’s only a phone.
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The attorneys said that would put them at a disadvantage because it could tip the feds off to their defense strategy, and could be used to find more incriminating evidence against their client, who notoriously stood by his father-in-law's side in the aftermath of the 9/11 terror attacks.
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Monks have occupied the site of Abbaye Notre-Dame d'Orval since 1070 and continue to brew there; it's one of only seven Trappist monasteries in the world which still brew beer today. First produced in 1931, this iconic ale with complex and distinct flavors is produced with three different malts, two types of hops, Belgian candi sugar and multiple semi-wild yeast strains. The yeast contains brettanomyces, which adds to its unique flavor and slightly sour finish. Sunset-orange in color and slightly cloudy, it pours a large, foamy head and offers up a fruity and somewhat acidic bouquet. Unlike most Belgian beers, Orval is dry-hopped and packs a good amount of hop flavor and bitterness. For the ultimate tasting experience, dispense into an Orval glass. Specially designed for Orval, it has a wide mouth rim, and drinking from it opens up the hoppy flavor of the beer. And, be sure not to drink it too cold. As this beer warms, the flavors keep getting better and better. As the beer is bottle-conditioned, its taste can change over the years with ageing, with a mature version exhibiting a more toned-down, gentler hop bitterness, as well as increased sourness from the still growing wild yeasts.
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The ghoulish discovery prompted NYPD detectives to kick off an investigation that has churned along for nearly 20 years. On Saturday, cops announced that the case was solved and that they had Conrado Juarez, a cousin of Anjelica’s, under arrest.
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Both bourses vied fiercely for the prestige of hosting Twitter. But analysts had predicted that Facebook's debut, marred by a series of technical glitches that delayed the start of trading, could weigh against the Nasdaq.
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Violent street gangs, known as "maras", were described by former President Saca as a "regional problem that requires regional solutions". One of the most notorious groups was started in the 1980s by Salvadoran immigrants in the US.
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Media outlets worldwide were gripped by news of the birth. ABC News featured an enormous picture of the Duke and the Duchess, with the words: “William and Kate welcome the royal baby”.
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Klum has been using her AOL site for topics like “How to Keep Your Kids Active” and “Jogging it Out,” along with her raunchiest post to date, “Recipe: Sexy Mint and Cranberry Quinoa Salad.”
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Other suppliers to the Royal family with stands at the festival include the Wellington boot maker Hunter, the bed maker Sleepeezee, the make-up firm Clarins and the drinks firms Pimms and Moet & Chandon.
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JPMorgan moved first last week, saying it would quit physical trading. Earlier on Tuesday it also paid $410 million to settle a long-running dispute with U.S. power regulators over alleged market manipulation, a penalty likely to increase calls for better oversight.
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@2020-09-07 05:42:57 - Maandag 7 september 2020
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@2020-09-07 14:57:48 - Maandag 7 september 2020
@2020-09-07 14:59:59 - Maandag 7 september 2020
@2020-09-07 16:43:59 - Maandag 7 september 2020
@2020-09-07 19:25:40 - Maandag 7 september 2020
@2020-09-07 20:17:43 - Maandag 7 september 2020
@2020-09-07 20:41:05 - Maandag 7 september 2020
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@2020-09-09 05:59:32 - Woensdag 9 september 2020
@2020-09-09 07:26:03 - Woensdag 9 september 2020
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@2020-09-09 14:41:39 - Woensdag 9 september 2020
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@2020-09-09 23:18:36 - Woensdag 9 september 2020
@2020-09-09 23:28:39 - Woensdag 9 september 2020
@2020-09-10 02:49:53 - Donderdag 10 september 2020
@2020-09-10 05:01:32 - Donderdag 10 september 2020
@2020-09-10 05:56:47 - Donderdag 10 september 2020
@2020-09-10 06:56:11 - Donderdag 10 september 2020
@2020-09-10 08:52:56 - Donderdag 10 september 2020
@2020-09-10 09:24:21 - Donderdag 10 september 2020
@2020-09-10 12:04:25 - Donderdag 10 september 2020
@2020-09-10 14:35:21 - Donderdag 10 september 2020
@2020-09-10 14:48:54 - Donderdag 10 september 2020
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@2020-09-10 20:52:41 - Donderdag 10 september 2020
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@2020-09-10 22:32:22 - Donderdag 10 september 2020
@2020-09-10 23:11:10 - Donderdag 10 september 2020
@2020-09-10 23:39:33 - Donderdag 10 september 2020
@2020-09-10 23:49:15 - Donderdag 10 september 2020
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@2020-09-11 14:21:10 - Vrijdag 11 september 2020
@2020-09-12 13:51:44 - Zaterdag 12 september 2020 (weekend editie)
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 Guide to choosing a scooter for city riding: What to look out for
When choosing a means of transportation for urban riding, many people turn their attention to scooters. Scooters have become a popular means of transportation in cities because of their compactness, economy, and ease of operation. However, before buying a scooter, it is important to consider several factors to choose the right model for your needs. In this article, we'll look at the key aspects to consider when choosing a scooter for urban riding.
Size and compactness:
One of the most important aspects when choosing a scooter for city riding is its size and compactness. You will want a scooter that can easily maneuver through crowded streets and can easily park in tight spaces. Consider compact models with a small turning radius to be able to maneuver easily in a crowded city.
Engine power:
Scooter engine power is also an important factor. In an urban environment, you will probably need a scooter with little power since you will be riding it for short distances at speeds that match the speed limits of city streets. Choose a scooter with an engine with enough power to provide a comfortable ride in urban environments, but not too much power to avoid excessive fuel consumption.
Fuel economy:
One of the main advantages of scooters is their fuel efficiency. When choosing a scooter, pay attention to its fuel efficiency. Scooters with lower fuel consumption can help you save money on gas and reduce your environmental emissions.
Convenience and comfort:
It's important to choose a scooter that offers comfort and convenience while riding in the city. Pay attention to seat ergonomics, handlebar height, and pedal position. Test out the scooter before you buy to make sure you feel comfortable behind the wheel and can easily reach all the controls.
Safety Systems:
Safety on the road is of the utmost importance. When choosing a scooter, look for safety systems such as anti-lock brakes (ABS), stability control system (ESC), and high-visibility headlights. These systems will help you reduce the risk of accidents and keep you safe on the road.
Choosing a scooter for urban riding requires attention to several key aspects. Size and compactness, engine power , fuel efficiency, comfort and convenience, and safety systems are all factors to consider when choosing a scooter for city riding. Don't forget your personal preferences and budget as well. Research various scooter models thoroughly, read reviews and consult a salesperson or expert to make the right choice and enjoy a comfortable and safe city ride on your new scooter.
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