Door: Henk-Jan Wittink

Uitgegeven op 29-07-2014 om 10:15

HIPPOLYTUSHOEF (Door Henk-Jan Wittink) - Vroeger was alles beter, mooier en spannender. Eind jaren zestig, de Flora stelde weinig voor, de Visserijdagen stonden in de kinderschoenen. Het Westerlander Dorpsfeest en de Hippofeesten moesten nog worden uitgevonden. Er was slechts n hoogtepunt; De Wieringer Kermis!

Je wist wanneer de Kermis begon, aan het einde van de grote vakantie. Wat duurde die vakantie toch lang, het leek wel een eeuwigheid. Thuis merkte ik dat het ging rommelen als mijn Oma, voor anderen Tante Trijn, allerlei zaken moest regelen voor haar cafetaria Aurora (later in 1969 de bar van Piet en Annie), biefstukken en kippen inslaan, veel kroketten draaien. Een week voor de laatste donderdag in juli zette ik de wekker al om vier uur s nachts, toen ik nog geen wekker had hoopte ik om voor dag en dauw wel wakker te zijn. Ik sloop mijn bed uit en stapte op de fiets richting het Kerkplein. Niets! Verdorie, zou het dit jaar wel doorgaan? Ik reed voor de zekerheid de hele omgeving af en speurde de gemeentewerf af, dit was waar nu de dokter zijn praktijk heeft. Zwaar teleurgesteld richting huis, daar verwelkomd door mijn moeder die vroeg of ik wel goed bij mijn hoofd was om midden in de nacht kermisautos te gaan zoeken. Sommige mensen snappen dan ook niets van het echte Kermis gevoel.
In het weekend voor de Kermis meer geluk, Nougat de Montelimar!!! de snoepkraam was gearriveerd. Tot 1970 moest deze nog worden opgebouwd, net zoals alle andere tenten. De kermis was van hout en zeil. Je rook de kermis. Die typische ronde koepeltenten met hun grote witglazen lampenbollen. Het bumperspel, de schuivertjes en het klokkenspel. Je kende de mensen, het waren helden. Jan Sipkema, Henk Punter, Willy Sipkema, Harry (H.H.) Hoefnagels en ome Teun van de schiettent. De meeste kwamen pas op dinsdagmiddag aangescheten, dit kwam omdat die stomme kermis in Anna Paulowna wel tot maandagavond duurde, de egoisten. Woensdag was dan ook een dag om wederom om vier uur het bed te verlaten. Er moest werk gezocht worden bij de kermisbazen, helpen opbouwen, de ultieme vakantiebaan. Na vijf uur wachten, er waren nog meer van die vroege bedverlaters aanwezig, kwamen de eerste kermisklanten aan. Nu maar hopen op een baan zonder vooruitzichten. Ik heb een paar keer geluk gehad. Bij de snoepkraam heb ik ooit een hand vol met zuurstokken verdiend. Ooit had ik een vaste aanstelling bij de "Fakir". Ik zag het al voor me, vijf dagen lang kaartjes ophalen bij de toeschouwers. Deze ultieme kans werd echter door mijn vriend Jan van der Wal de grond ingeboord toen hij een opmerking maakte over een luikje in het podium onder de spijkerton. Op staande voet werden wij ontslagen toen het werk af was, je vroeg niet naar de geheimen van de fakir, de charlatan. Later heb ik dan ook getracht om werk te vinden zonder Jan. Andere jongens hadden meer geluk, Gerrit van Hest hielp altijd bij de Hobbelende Geit, His Wilms bij de Spin en Jaap Mosterd mocht zelfs in de kassa naast Harry van de botsautos zitten, de uitslover. Wij stonden met jaloerse blikken te kwijlen.

Als de kermis begon op donderdagmiddag drie uur, stond je met een rijksdaalder in je vuist geklemd om twaalf uur al voor de kassa, je moest niet te laat zijn voor de eerste rit. Om half vier was je geld op. Tijd om langs de familie te gaan, voor deze gelegenheid pikte je ook alle ooms en tantes mee waar je n keer per jaar kwam; om kermisgeld. Sommige van deze hielden je expres aan de praat of vroegen of je iets wou drinken en eten. Gemeen zij hadden geen besef van het belang van de aanwezigheid op het Kermisterrein. Stel je voor je vrienden staan er langer dan jezelf, dat kon niet. Er waren er ook die er op stonden dat je iedere dag langs kwam om een beetje geld. Best wel slim, want de centen die je in je zak had zitten brandden. Het was in de regel in een poep en een scheet op. Ik heb een keer uit puur kinderbelang twee kroketten gepikt uit de keuken van mijn oma, deze heb ik aan Harry Hoefnagels gegeven Met de groeten van mijn oma! , uiteraard zat ik toen weer even een poos al cruisend in een botsauto onder de onvergetelijke klanten van Julio Iglesias, Un Canto A Galicia en het liedje Gina Lolobrigida de laatste was niet van Julio. Ik weet tot op de dag van vandaag niet wie mijn oma de schuld heb gegeven, dat zal hoogstwaarschijnlijk tante Bet wel zijn geweest, die kreeg wel vaker de wind van voren. De beste mensen ter wereld waren toen de vissermannen die in het cafetaria of in de boven gesitueerde vergaderzaal een biefstuk opaten. Piet Post, Wiggert Westerbeke en nog meer mensen waarvan je de naam niet kon, maar waar je veel van hield want van deze mensen kreeg je kermisgeld, helden in mijn ogen! Veel vrienden waren dan ook blij als ze met mij mee mochten achterom via het erf van Piet Luijt de keuken in.

En keer is de kermis bijna door mijn neus geboord. Op de camping in Drenthe zaten donderdagmorgen twee jongetjes te huilen aan tafel: Wij willen naar de kerremis.!!! Simon de Haan en ikke, bloeddoorlopen ogen. Het werkte, mijn vader heeft ons toen in Heerenveen op de bus naar Den Oever gezet. Nooit meer zo blij gewuifd als toen, de mooiste rit van mijn leven. In Den Oever kochten wij spontaan twee retourtjes Den Helder om vervolgens in Hippo de Naco-bus uit te sprinten, onze schoenen raakten geen grond. Dat jaar heb ik het opbouwen gemist, maar was ik nog wel op tijd voor de opening. Nog steeds is de kermis speciaal voor mij, helaas door andere feesten en de vakantietijd iets naar de achtergrond geschoven, maar de herinneringen zullen altijd blijven bestaan. Ook de herinnering aan daags na de kermis, ze gingen weg. Met een bloedend hart en natte ogen keek je de laatste auto na, Nougat de Montelimar..... tot volgend jaar maar weer.

Henk-Jan Wittink

Reacties (1003)
Zwarte piet
@2014-07-29 12:46:17
 Mooi stukje over een mooie tijd en betaalbaar, toen kon je nog met een rijksdaalder iets doen, nu moet je denken om het zelfde te doen aan 25 euro
De kermis is ten gronde gegaan nadat H.Hoefnagel er uitgestapt is, en dat de pachten door de gemeente te hoog waren voor de kermis klanten
Gerrit van Hest
@2014-07-29 13:45:46
 Mooi stukje. Ja, ik hielp altijd bij de Hobbelende Geit. Maar niet bij die van Henk Punter. Ik hielp bij de Hobbelende Geit van Adrie en Klazien van Loon. Zij hebben jaren lang naast de schoenenwinkel gestaan (nu Etos). Later hebben zij de Geit verruild voor een Balco Rotor. Hiermee hebben zij jaren lang op het Hoekje gestaan totdat deze in de fik vloog. Dit jaar staan zij er met de Pusher. Ga maar eens kijken, wat dat is. Groetjes Gijs. (Gerrit)
Jan van der Wal
@2014-07-29 19:34:30
 Fantastische herinneringen HJ, pakt niemand je meer af, ik vind het alleen jammer dat de kermis ook op het hoekje staat, hij kan makkelijk op het kerkplein, daar hoort hij! zeker nu! Dan kan je als bezoeker mooi rond het kerkplein lopen nu heb je allemaal open gaten ziet er niet uit.
Gijs van Hest
@2014-07-29 19:51:45
 Deels met je eens Jan. Maar eerst zou er op een klein dorpje als Hippolytushoef maar 1 kermis moeten zijn en geen 2 per jaar. Dus: weg met de kermis in mei. Gewoon weer gezellig de laatste donderdag van juli.
Zwarte Piet
@2014-07-29 21:21:38
 En de jeugd een week of wat ervoor bollen pellen bij Kapitein met de bus van De Haan,(word nu De Wit)i.p.v. hand ophouden bij Pa en Ma komt het allemaal weer goed, Concordia weer open biertje een normalen prijs 1 euro is dik betaald
Man wat een feest kan het dan worden
@2014-07-30 00:25:28
 Ook leuk, de Kermis in M�nchen......
@2014-07-30 00:26:34
 ALSTUBLIEFT!!!! Foto's van de oude scooter van Harry Hoerfnagels!
@2014-08-07 00:40:20
 Alsof je mijn herrinnering aan de kermis hebt geschreven....Dat lege gevoel als het allemaal weer voorbij was..vreselijk
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Hazard's action spoke clearly of this lack of respect, and was a direct consequence of the widespread feeling among the very rich and famous that they can basically get away with anything. This is most usually manifest in the way some footballers treat vulnerable, or impressionable, young women.
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Following the BBC investigation, Bishop Hugh Gilbert of Aberdeen travelled to St Peter’s and St Benedict’s parish in Fort Augustus to celebrate Mass and express his profound sorrow after hearing news of the abuse cases, which are alleged to have taken place in the 1950s and 1960s.
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Increased attacks in Iraq have raised fears of a return to full-blown sectarian conflict. More than 1,000 Iraqis were killed in July, the highest monthly death toll since 2008, the United Nations said last week.
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comprar sandimmun neoral 100mg Chiwetel Ejiofor’s father, Arinze, had been a well-known musician and pop singer in Nigeria; his wife, Obiajulu, and his mother were his backing singers. Arinze and Obiajulu came to Britain in the late 1960s, fleeing the Biafran war. Arinze then trained as a doctor so he could be sure of providing fully for his family (Chiwetel is his second son, and there are two much younger sisters). Obiajulu became a pharmacist.
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But with the problem persisting, Administrative Judge Douglas McKeon was tapped to oversee the attempt to clear the docket. The Bronx-born jurist acknowledges that a sizable number of cases still await trial, but claims the courthouse is better organized and that the focus on older cases has made the overall system more efficient.
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Labour is opposed to the timing of the sale, which it saysis designed to bolster Britain's public finances, but hasresisted calls from party activists and trade unions to pledgeto renationalise the firm if it wins power in a 2015 election.
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The U.S. taxpayer bailout led some critics to call thecompany "Government Motors" and executives said the stigma hurtsales some. GM Chief Executive Dan Akerson has said the exit ofTreasury would bring closure to the bailout and remove theperception of government ownership among customers.
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Since it bought Motorola, Google has promised that it wouldrationalize the company's phone range, which included as many as45 phones in 2011. Along with the Moto X and three MotorolaDroid phones, Motorola will likely have just one more phonelaunch this year, said Rick Osterloh, Motorola's vice president.
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Pizzarello and her team hydrothermally treated fragments of the meteorite and then detected the compounds released by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The hydrothermal conditions of the experiments, which also mimic early Earth settings (a proximity to volcanic activity and impact craters), released a complex mixture of oxygen-rich compounds, the probable result of oxidative processes that occurred in the parent body. They include a variety of long chain linear and branched polyethers, whose number is quite bewildering.
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But just as these two factors have kept high-yield funds on top of the fixed-income market this year, a reversal in either could put a damper on positive returns. Of particular concern to all fixed-income investors, including those with exposure to high-yield bonds, is the prospect that the Fed will finally begin its so-called "tapering," gradually ending its large-scale bond-buying program has kept interest rates low. Speculation is mounting that the government will cut back on the initiative as early as next month and allow rates to rise.
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recept finax mjlmix Being in a relationship is not a woman’s only life goal, if at all. So how depressing - and outrageous - that a senior politician should be quick to squash the incredibly positive news of increasing numbers of female graduates in this way. (And a rare positive public statement about Muslim women, to boot). We don't say it about men!
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** Private equity-backed insurance broker Confie Seguros isbuying the retail auto insurance unit of Affirmative InsuranceHoldings in its largest in a series of acquisitions tobuild up its business with Hispanic customers around the UnitedStates. Affirmative Insurance Holdings said the deal includes$100 million in cash and up to $20 million in additionalproceeds. It intends to use the money to pay down debt and focuson its business as an insurance carrier.
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kamagra oral jelly kaufen nachnahme The House is a very different matter. In the eight-member Sub-Committee on Africa, Global Health and Human Rights, there may be only one true advocate for U.S.-Africa relations, Rep. Karen Bass, D-Calif. It can easily be argued that the chairman of the committee, Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., is interested in Africa. He is, by all accounts, a most decent person, often seen as a maverick in his own party. However, his primary interests as they regard Africa are those of the Christian Right: Sudan and stopping funding of any international programs funding abortion. He has been a force to reckon with on global health and human rights issues, but has been less an advocate on Africa. Both Bass and Smith have committed staffers who are knowledgeable on Africa, and through staff work there is the potential for greater cooperation between the two.
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While on some level emotionally satisfying – after all, the dearth of prosecutions of bankers is one of the scandals of the post-crisis period – this effort strikes me as being unlikely to have much positive benefit while only distracting efforts away from prosecuting the good old-fashioned fraud and criminal misrepresentation which was so rife.
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"Today's numbers complicate the already intricate policy task facing the Fed," El-Erian said. "They should also serve as a caution to Congress to avoid additional self-manufactured headwinds to the economy on account of the upcoming debt ceiling and budget discussions."
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Outside Baghdad, a suicide bomber detonated a bomb in a car on a busy street in the town of Tuz Khurmato, 170 km (105 miles) north of the capital, killing at least 10 people and wounding 45, medical and police sources said.
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The uninsured rate for children in poverty was 12.9 percentcompared with 7.7 percent for children not in poverty, theCensus found. (Reporting by Lucia Mutikani, Caroline Humer and Susan Heavey;Editing by Mohammad Zargham)
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I’m convinced that my ‘onliness’ helped plant the creative seed: I exchanged having constant playmates for Enid Blyton, the empress in charge of childhood development. I sat at the grown-ups' table. I listened to Radio 4, because being in the kitchen and not in the playroom meant 'parent time'. I learned the ‘grown up’ alphabet quickly – D-O-U-G-H-T-Y – by listening to my Mum on the phone, because I was always with her.
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UNDATED (AP) — The NFL Players Association has told its members that the union has "tentatively agreed" that 40 players will take blood tests for HGH each week during the season, with a positive result drawing a four-game suspension.
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Selma Blair has a new role: proud mama. The ‘Cruel Intentions’ star welcomed a baby boy with designer Jason Bleick on July 25. Arthur Saint Bleick tipped the scales at a healthy 7 lbs., 12 oz. and is the first child for the couple, who met while working on Bleick's EVER fashion line.
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The two retirement funds are the city's largest creditors and have filed objections to Detroit's bankruptcy filing. The city is still in the process of proving it is eligible to file the Chapter 9 bankruptcy petition, and Rhodes will begin hearings on the issue next month.
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The yen has fallen 11 percent against the dollar this yearas Prime Minister Shinzo Abe pushed for fiscal and monetaryexpansionary policies to revive the economy, while the Nikkei isup 30 percent during the same period.
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The move is an encouraging sign that the world's secondlargest economy is willing to open up more sectors to foreigncompetition, a U.S. Treasury official told reporters on thesidelines of U.S.-China economic talks in Washington.
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Ennahda, which governs with two smaller secular parties, has come under heavy pressure from the Salvation Front of opposition parties, the country's powerful UGTT trade union federation and other interest groups to step aside for a caretaker government.
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Meanwhile, Disney chairman Alan Horn echoed Bruckheimer's sentiments, adding: "This is about a long-term relationship with lots of pluses and minuses. The Lone Ranger certainly didn't help things, but we all have our wins and our losses, and this is an overall thing related to the company's supply of projects from all these other places."
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"They have no understanding whatsoever of the way democratic politics operates," says George Joffe, an expert on North Africa at Cambridge University. "It is difficult to imagine how anyone, given the opportunity of power, could in any circumstances have behaved as stupidly as they did. It is staggering incompetence."
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Even though he is a sensitive Cancer, the birth time on July 22nd, 2013, is so close to when the Sun moves into dynamic Leo, less than one hour, he is right on the cusp, which also makes him a natural leader. With three planets also in the sign of Cancer; beneficiary Jupiter, fiery Mars and communicative Mercury in this action orientated cardinal sign, he will not be one to sit back and let life pass him by, instead, this little Prince is more likely to take a proactive role and definitely stand up for what he believes. With Prince William and his mother Princess Dianna both born under the sign of Cancer, there is a strong family theme of nurturing and sensitivity, but also of good business sense. Kate’s solid and reliable Capricorn sun sign is also family orientated, with a sense of strong traditions.
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It's unclear how far Obama will go in her advocacy on more contentious issues like gun control and immigration, but her aides have cast all of her appearances as part of a broad commitment to empowerment through education.
methods in a lab report “Though only slight, this was a positive development, said Mr. Qu. “Growth is bottoming out on Beijing’s mini-stimulus,” he said. “We expect continuous policy efforts to sustain the recovery.”
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When there we were pestered by taxi drivers to take us to Ephesus. In an attempt to put off the first driver who approached us, we told him we’d been to Ephesus the year before. Quick as a flash he answered back “it’s changed”.
acknowledgement of phd thesis The pipeline remains shut down while the federal regulator looks into how Tesoro responded to the spill, its control-room processes and records and whether non-compliance contributed to the pipeline's failure, said Jeannie Shiffer, PHMSA's director for Governmental, International, and Public Affairs.
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 How many would you like? expository essay on decision making New mama Charlize Theron sizzles opposite her 'Prometheus' co-star Michael Fassbender in a cover shoot for W Magazine. The smoldering star oozes sex appeal in a black skin-tight leotard and thigh-high fishnets. Not that body confidence has ever been a problem for the South African beauty. "I don't have issues getting naked," she told the mag. "That sounds very slutty. What I mean is, I'm not hung up on my body, and I've been lucky to work with people I've been really comfortable with."
u of t essay writing Limoncello cake appeared to have been baked, as a displacement activity, by a frustrated would-be assassin. Caramelised orange slices were staggeringly devoid of taste. “It’s collapsed again,” said my friend as this game of four quarters limped towards full-time. “It picked up a bit after the starters, but this isn’t good at all.”
pay to do my uni report You certainly don’t see many old people in the Manchester paintings of L  S Lowry: they may look glum but they are mostly vigorous middle-aged folk with a few scallywag children and leggy dogs. One lone picture called The Cripples displays the disabilities and callousness of the Thirties and Forties. Certainly illness was taken as the norm once you were over 60. I only ever knew my grandmother as bent and tormented by arthritis. It rains a good deal in Manchester, and homes, even bed-sheets, were often damp. My aunty May had rickets. There was no sunshine, the skies were overcast with factory smoke so she suffered from vitamin D deficiency. It’s clear that environment plays a part in health.
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 Nice to meet you market failure research paper Or why would we expect a guy in Charlotte who was paying a mere $35 last year to now pay $183 a month under ObamaCare — or face a fine of $95 or 1% of his income? Why on earth wouldn’t he just pay the fine?
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Stafford hospital will keep the current consultant-led A&E service, which is open seven days a week from 8am to 10pm, but will not resume its overnight operation. Most emergency surgery and emergency trauma care will end. No more babies will be born at Stafford, and neonatal services – care of babies in the first weeks of life – will therefore also end, as will paediatric in-patient services.
essay on science and human happiness A newly blond Kim Kardashian, 32, and her brood shared several Instagram snapshots after going back to work on "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" on Tuesday — marking the new mom's return to TV three months after giving birth to daughter North West.
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 I can't hear you very well academic writing “As a result of his heart condition, acutely, and the stroke, he was put on a ventilator to help him breathe during his hospitalization. He remains on that, but we are decreasing that support daily,” Dr. Gary Erwin said. “He is breathing spontaneously with the help of the ventilator and hope to have him weaned off of that very soon breathing completely on his own.”
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autonomy thesis Purists will argue that retaliatory plunkings are little more than gamesmanship, and that big league pitchers are skilled enough to hit a guy and send a message without hurting him. But if you can hit a guy in the face when you’re trying to throw a strike, who’s to say you can’t do it when you’re already aiming for the batter?
thesis in science education At a campaign stop Wednesday, New York City mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner lashed out at a Jewish voter who questioned the Democratic pol's behavior. The voter called Weiner disgusting, deviant and immoral. Weiner requested that the voter visit a rabbi. And the whole exchange was caught on film.
@2016-09-11 15:49:03
 How do you know each other? wolfgang amadeus mozart biography essay On top of this, the process of assimilating new information into the market happens today much faster than it once did. This is partly because of technology; investors can download an S-1 the instant it’s filed with the S.E.C. There’s also just so much more investment analysis and media coverage of companies than there once was. (A lot of that analysis is, to be sure, amateurish and terrible. But that’s always been true of stock-market punditry.) So the notion that Twitter’s financials will not get enough scrutiny because its S-1 will be public only for a month or so is, frankly, absurd. It would be nice, I guess, if Twitter had just made its S-1 public yesterday. But if it had, the noise surrounding the company would be deafening. It’s not surprising that it wants to block that out for as long as possible.
why did islam spread so quickly essay U.S. District Judge James Selna in the Central District of California on Monday denied Toyota's motion to dismiss defective-design and failure-to-warn claims brought against it by the estate of Ida St. John, who said in 2009 that her 2005 Camry sped out of control and hit a school building. She died after giving that testimony, but the lawsuit does not claim that her death was caused by the crash.
write my assgnment traditional footnotes In hindsight, she may have dropped a hint about her new bundle of joy during her acceptance speech for best actress for her role in "The Blind Side" that year. "I would like to thank what this movie was about for me, which are the moms that take care of the babies and the children no matter where they come from," she said.
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 I'm not interested in football outline of research paper It seems to me to be a breech of policy (not to mention common sense) to fire blindly through a closed door. Even if no one else was in the room, not hitting the target means a round going through walls and hitting people outside. Homes generally aren’t bullet-proof, and windows aren’t either. That was an utterly reckless and unprofessional thing to do.
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essay help the flood victims ST. LOUIS -- Don Mattingly was kidding, of course, on Wednesday when he declared the Dodgers now to be “America’s Team,” noting lightheartedly that everybody wants to see a Game 7 in the NLCS, even Cardinals fans.
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The Prudential Regulation Authorityrebuffed calls from a group of Co-Operative Bank Plc bondholdersfor a review of the U.K. lender’s restructuring plan, tellingthem how the company raises money is up to its management.
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“On the basis of the information evaluated by the mission to date and further to the understanding reached with the government of Syria, the mission will travel to Syria as soon as possible to contemporaneously investigate three of the reported incidents, including Khan al-Asal,” a UN statement issued on Wednesday said.
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Mr Ahmed added: "The treatment and care provided by Medway NHS Foundation Trust has already been identified by Professor Sir Bruce Keogh and his team as being of concern – and the trust has been placed in special measures by the Secretary of State on that basis. We are committed to returning to the trust in due course to check whether general improvements required by that process have been made.
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Ah, more “Perception Control;” will Manning’s sentence be severe; so the ‘public’ mindset should be prepared – with the ‘appropriate’ (officially approved) perception of Manning? Or is there a perceived threat that a severe sentencing of Manning will bring too much attention to the underlying issues – possibly also creating a martyr? Most are probably certain that the sentence will be severe.
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A recent report by the left-leaning Institute for PolicyStudies, which analyzed data on the highest-earning CEOs over a20-year period, found that those whose companies collapsed orreceived government bailouts have held 112 of the top 500 slots.
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Two large processors in Cedar Rapids and Eddyville, owned byCargill Inc in the No. 1 corn growing state of Iowa,saw increased deliveries from farmers this week and subsequentlyreduced the price they were willing to pay for that grain by asmuch as 95 cents.
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Even as officials continue to review aid to Egypt, the U.S. military has continued shipments of thousands of spare parts for American weapons systems used by the Egyptian forces, including armored bulldozers for border security, radars and missiles.
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 What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas? auburn application essay In order to meet this objective, Ryanair is to buy more planes. In may the group unveiled plans to buy 175 aircraft from Boeing, amid claims it had managed to get such a large discount it was paying 2005 prices. About 105 older aircraft will be retired, so the average age of the fleet will reduce, making it cheaper to run. This also implies that the group will be increasing its passenger numbers by about 7pc each year over the medium term.
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 A pension scheme esl descriptive essay writing The FERC has issued over $1 billion in fines since theEnergy Policy Act of 2005 significantly increased the penaltythe commission can impose to $1 million per day per violationfrom the previous cap of $10,000 a day.
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Pena Nieto said he hoped the initiative would be debated byCongress during a special legislative period set to begin inmid-August, setting up what is likely to be a heated debate overthe future of Mexico's oil riches.
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Noah Nathan, a former sales manager with Takeda, sued thecompany on behalf of the federal government, saying Takedasubsidiaries Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America Inc and TakedaPharmaceuticals America Inc had violated the False Claims Act byseeking payments under federal health insurance programs foruses of a drug that were not reimbursable.
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anti Marquez left the arena without conducting interviews, but later backstage and at the post-fight news conference, Marquez (55-7-1, 40 KOs) said he felt robbed of a victory by the judges. “The judges took it away from me, You don’t have to knock down the other guy to win the fight. I thought I clearly won.”  His trainer Nacho Berestein was more blunt, saying that Bradley is the only undefeated fighter with two losses, referring to his controversial decision over Manny Pacquiao and the fight Saturday.
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 Good crew it's cool :) being yourself essay The black teen was returning from a trip to a convenience store to a home in the gated Sanford community when he was followed by Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer upset over a rash of recent neighborhood home break-ins. A confrontation ensued and Zimmerman fatally shot the unarmed teen during the struggle.
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In addition, the strong expansion of renewables has hurt theprofitability of gas plants, as power from solar and windsources takes priority in being fed into the electricity grid,reducing the hours gas plants can run.
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The president acknowledged that the law was not part of the Zimmerman defense, but suggested the laws might still "encourage" violence. In a provocative statement, the president also questioned whether Martin, if he had a gun, could have been "justified in shooting Mr. Zimmerman because he felt threatened." 
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Pakistan's election commission originally set the election date as August 6. This week the Supreme Court agreed to change the date to July 30 in response to concern by the ruling PML-N that lawmakers would be on the traditional pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia during the end of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.
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After some success in its first two years, Nook took a step backward during the holidays. New devices flopped, forcing discounting that accelerated losses. Then in June, the company said it would stop making tablets, and a few weeks later CEO William Lynch, who oversaw Nook, stepped down.
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We asked Taman about the changed markings and whether the La Rochelle logs were part of a scam. They agreed the markings appeared to be changed and promised to get back to us with further details, but never did.
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 Punk not dead mother tongue essay amy tan One of my favorite things about social media is its ability to create communities and foster support. At times, especially after my latest book came out, I’ve felt like my Facebook page served as a mini support group, and I loved it. People who adopted my eating plan shared their progress and results, posted pics of their meals, cheered each other on, and shared tips and tricks for everything from dining out to coping with unsupportive family members. In my experience, the latter is key. 
on line training The independent government agency relies on sales of stamps and other products rather than tax dollars to fund its operations. Volumes of first-class mail, its most profitable service, fell by 4 percent in the third quarter of 2013.
thesis six sigma The U.S. has, in many respects, taken the lead in this arena, Weisman says. Washington has been one of the biggest funders of international family planning programs for nearly half a century, primarily through USAID programs. Beginning in 1965 with a plan to reduce birth rates through its War on Hunger program, its current work highlights 24 priority countries, mostly in Africa and South Asia.
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Former major winners Kerr and Creamer, playing in the anchor match as the most experienced U.S. duo, had not previously lost in three encounters together but were undone as their opponents took control with three successive birdies from the eighth.
@2016-09-11 23:30:14
 Where are you calling from? essays on buddhism The international jury that punished Oracle in the biggest cheating scandal in Cup history also expelled Kostecki's brother-in-law, first-choice Oracle wing trimmer Dirk de Ridder for making illegal boat alterations.
buy my term paper But Trump's level of self-aggrandizement has reached stunning heights, as he now contends that the president of the United States himself is behind the sting. President Obama and Schneiderman met on a Thursday night. Could they have been talking about Democratic politics? A looming government shutdown and what it would mean for the economy? The impact of Obamacare in New York, where insurance premiums are expected to go way down? Nope, Trump insists. It all has to be about him – what else? Said Trump:
writing an overview The political standoff over the U.S. budget has shut downnon-essential government services and appeared likely to drag onfor another week or longer. Another crisis looms in two weekswhen lawmakers must decide whether to increase the U.S.government's $16.7 trillion debt borrowing limit.
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@2016-09-11 23:30:15
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Englebert Zoa Etundi, Cameroon's representative to ICAO, whorepresents the African bloc of negotiators, told Reuters lastweek that the 1 percent threshold was necessary to protectAfrican air passengers and Africa's burgeoning airline industry.
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Earlier this week, Calum MacLean, chairman of Grangemouth Petrochemicals, said Unite seemed “hell-bent” on destroying the site after union members picketed supermarkets that buy fuel from the refinery.
@2016-09-11 23:30:15
 I never went to university essay on do not go gentle into that good night Alexis the video game freak didn't just pack virtual heat — he carried a loaded .45 handgun with him all the time, said Oui Suthamtewakul, the owner of the Thai restaurant in Fort Worth where the slain gunman worked in exchange for free rent.
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thesis output A 15-year veteran of the area of Taipei home to dozens of stinky tofu restaurants, Chen makes a grilled version doused in a chunky, salty sauce and served with vegetables. Enjoyed under the awning of a temple next door, the soft white curds melt in the mouth like pudding as the tell-tale whiff races up the nose.
@2016-09-11 23:30:15
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Three-year-old TPP talks, now involving 12 nations, are aimed at establishing a free-trade bloc that would stretch from Vietnam to Chile to Japan, encompassing 800 million people, about a third of world trade and nearly 40 percent of the global economy.
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The Republicans and specifically the Tea Party (yes you Ted Cruz) set themselves up for failure. Obama had the upper hand in this fight from the start. He has the Constitution on his side. Republicans single out the ACA as the centerpiece of the debt. Which is asinine as any current costs or increase of the debt by ACA is nominal. They didn’t offer a bill with specific spending cuts. Their sole goal was to take away something that the President fought for. In other words…Obama was right. Tea Publicans tried to hold the country and the Constitution hostage over ideological disagreements. The President didn’t ask Republicans for concessions to sign a debt deal. The Republicans did. And they are deservingly taking a beating for it. However, there is a spending problem in this country. The right thing to do is to take this fight to the budget process. The left and the right need to find common ground to reduce government expenditures.
correction symbols in essays The cellular therapy company said it received a grant of$147,765 from the National Institutes of Health to fundpreclinical studies testing the potential of its stem celltechnology to treat wounds associated with scleroderma. NeoStemsaid it may qualify for an additional $1.5 million grant basedon the results of the study. Scleroderma is a tissue diseasethat causes the skin and connective tissues to harden andtighten.
discursive essay on gay marriage LONDON, Aug 5 (Reuters) - Lawsuits alleging aluminium pricefixing by big banks will shine an uncomfortable light on therole played by the London Metal Exchange, suggesting that themurky world of metal trading is likely to attract more attentionfrom the authorities.
@2016-09-11 23:30:15
 On another call read real japanese essays A former supervisor in KBR's transportation department,Robert Bennett, pleaded guilty in 2008 to accepting perks on atleast 40 occasions in connection with the military contracts.Kevin Smoot, an employee at subcontractor EGL Inc, pleadedguilty in 2007 to lying to federal investigators and givingkickbacks to KBR employees, including Bennett.
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Oscar Urviola, the head of the court, said it was importantto resolve the debt controversy to boost investor confidence.The government has resisted paying up since the court told it todo so 12 years ago.
@2016-09-11 23:43:57
 I went to essay writing mistakes With the euro zone barely out of recession, a failure to put aside money to deal with the problems revealed could rattle fragile investor confidence and compound borrowing difficulties for companies, potentially killing off the meek recovery.
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 I want to report a drugs should be legalized essay Berlusconi is unlikely to have to serve any time in jail because of his age, and the supreme court ordered part of the original sentence, imposing a ban on holding political office, to be reviewed. But the ruling has dealt an unprecedented blow to the man who has dominated Italian politics for two decades.
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primary research essay Some market attention has also shifted to speculation overpossible successors to Bernanke, though a senior White Houseofficial said on Friday that no announcement is imminent.President Barack Obama has signaled that Bernanke is likely tostep down when his second four-year term as Fed chairman endsJan. 31. Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers andcurrent Fed Vice Chair Janet Yellen are among names cited.
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 Another service? buy ready essays At one point she’s telling me that her mum “was doing crazy s—” while living in Detroit, then she unexpectedly trails off. She sucks in a breath. “Yeah,” she almost shouts. “Flashbacks. Weird. OK,” she lets out a flood of nervous laughter. She pants for a beat or two. Then she gathers herself and carries on. “Anyway, then she decided we were going to move to New York.”
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@2016-09-11 23:43:58
 A few months thesis statements for to kill a mockingbird As the latest bout of brinkmanship preoccupied Rome, rumoursswirled that Italy faced a renewed downgrade of its governmentdebt, sending the Milan bourse lower and pushing up borrowingcosts on benchmark 10-year bonds.
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In remarks Sept. 20 to the Congressional Black Caucus, Holder said the Justice Department will not allow the Supreme Court's action to be interpreted as "open season" for states to pursue measures that suppress voting rights.
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 Do you know what extension he's on? english literature thesis proposal * Singapore Telecommunications Ltd (SingTel) hasreceived two offers for its Australian satellite business in thefinal round of the bidding, including one from U.S.-listedIntelsat SA, three sources with knowledge of the mattersaid.
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 Could I order a new chequebook, please? ambition essays The pressure exerted by state and private-sector banks onEBX could enable them to virtually eliminate any significantloss on their exposure to the struggling group. But bondholderscould face hefty losses on their investments with Batista, wholess than two years ago had the world's seventh-largest fortune.
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 How much is a First Class stamp? short essay on importance of discipline in life Four artists have been invited to present their works on the cross-over between what is visible in our lives and what lies beyond our immediate perception. Using microorganisms, a nuclear explosion or a musical note, the artists draw attention to the movements and beauty of the non-visible.
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50 essays a portable anthology Rajan is viewed as a pragmatist on monetary policy likely tostick fairly closely to Subbarao's line on managing inflation.The outgoing governor fought an uphill battle against pricepressures for much of his term in an economy plagued bysupply-side bottlenecks and legislative and bureaucraticparalysis.
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 How long are you planning to stay here? essay what makes a good teacher Republican senators on Wednesday were considering a proposalby Senator Susan Collins of Maine that would reopen thegovernment and increase the borrowing authority while repealingan unpopular medical device tax designed to finance subsidiesunder the healthcare law.
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@2016-09-12 12:43:51
 Which year are you in? essay on my favourite season rainy season The White House said on Friday that the president had notyet made up his mind on who should lead the U.S. central bank -a decision that traditionally has generated little interestbeyond Wall Street and academia.
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essays holocaust About 22,000 North and South Koreans have had brief family reunions — 18,000 in person and the others by video — during a period of detente, but they ended in 2010 when tensions rose again. A proposal earlier this month to discuss resuming reunions quickly fizzled.
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Part of the S&P's decline since the Fed announcement has also been on concern the economy is weaker than many investors had thought, with the Fed having lowering its economic forecasts for both 2013 and 2014.
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@2016-09-12 12:43:52
 I'd like to withdraw $100, please respect in the classroom essay The 114,000 ton ship, which was carrying more than 4,000 passengers and crew when it capsized in January 2012, was eased off the rocks on which it floundered. Some 32 people lost their lives in the accident while two bodies have never been recovered.
what makes you feel happy essay > Congestion score: 17.6 (tied for 7th highest)> Population density: 585.8 people per sq. mile (35th highest)> Average commute time: 27.6 minutes (22nd highest)> Pct. driving to work: 81% (20th lowest)Congestion in Seattle actually improved in 2012, with the INRIX index score declining from 19.6 in 2011 to 17.6 last year. Despite this improvement, Seattle remains one of the most congested metro areas in the nation and had some of the most congested individual roads in the country in 2012. Among these was a nine-mile, southbound stretch of Interstate 5, which ranked as the 11th most congested corridor in the nation in 2012. Last March, The Seattle Times noted that new tolls on the nearby Highway 520 had led to increased congestion on Interstate 5.Read more at 24/7 Wall St.
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The first-ever bond backed by home-rental cashflows, aUS$300 million asset-backed security from private equity giantBlackstone, will begin pre-marketing within the next twoweeks, sources close to the deal said on Tuesday. Deutsche Bankis the lead underwriter.
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Keolis, which already operates four train franchises in the UK in a partnership with Go-Ahead Group, will be the lead partner in the bid, with a minority share to be held by Eurostar. It marks a further potential expansion for Eurostar, which last week announced it would start direct services between London and Amsterdam.
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In remarks at Prince George's Community College in suburban Maryland, Obama will seek to focus attention on the sign-upperiod for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act,popularly called "Obamacare." Starting on Tuesday, Americans wholack insurance will have six months to shop online for healthcoverage.
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"One step could be, can you establish a subsidy mechanism for screening or providing some medication for these people? That could have a certain cost," says Amit Mookim, head of healthcare at KPMG.
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 I want to report a great depression thesis Children Emily, 6, and Eliot, 4, miraculously survived when a terrorist gave mother Pauline's kids Mars bars and told her she had to change her religion to Islam. â€œNaturally, I was going to say whatever they wanted and they let us go,” she said.
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 I was born in Australia but grew up in England teaching strategies research paper The remaining $3.7 million of the $11.4 million in donations raised with the help of the United Way charity would be set aside as a community fund, according to the Newtown-Sandy Hook Community Foundation, which is overseeing the donations. The committee gave no details on how the money in the community fund would be used.
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citing a website within an essay The biennial golf showdown between US and International (non-European) teams starts Thursday at Muirfield Village, the Nicklaus-designed course where the US PGA Memorial tournament is played each year.
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"As a foreigner living in this country, I think the problem of violence is something that you have to deal with it, that you have to confront. It's a pretty major cultural difference coming from where I come from," he says, later adding, "If you want to be heard in America, the outlet is violence."
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"While August revenue numbers are slightly down, asanticipated due to the importance of individual withholdingpayments, Virginia's overall revenue picture continues to bepositive," McDonnell said in a statement. "We are running aheadof projections on a year-to-date basis, and we continue to makesound investments in areas like transportation."
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"Some employers will drop coverage, and more often than not when they say it's the result of the ACA, it's probably not," said Michigan's Buchmueller, who led the study projecting employer behavior. "Firms have made adjustments to benefits for years and years, but this is the first time there has been a single target to blame it on."
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Left to its own devices, ESMA could strike an optimal balance between proper investor protection and encouraging enterprise. Its leadership also appears inclined to allow national regulators autonomy in how to craft detailed rules in their countries, permitting them to be policemen, not traffic wardens.
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Congress’s first act was to hold a minute’s silence for the victims, yet it seems unlikely there is enough support there to make anything more than minor changes to the rules. Some accuse America’s mental health policies of being more to blame.
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The surprise announcement came Thursday as the company behind once-popular games such as "FarmVille" and "Words with Friends" reported that it lost 40 percent of its monthly active users in the second quarter, as it bleeds mobile gamers to aggressive rivals.
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The cricket test series between England and Australia this summer, the oldest rivalry in the sport, was marked by arguments over the reliability of a system designed to make it easier for umpires to decide whether a batsman had hit the ball.
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"Over the last two years, there's been a realization among the big players — Toyota, Hitachi, shipbuilders — that there's a huge opportunity in power," said Andrew DeWit, a professor at Rikkyo University in Tokyo. "We're also seeing radical efficiency gains."
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"It has revolutionized chemistry," Kersti Hermansson, professor in organic chemistry at Uppsala University, said of the computer modeling. "When you solve equations on the computer, you obtain information that is at such detail it is almost impossible to get it from any other method."
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The problem is not partisan, the problem is a small number of American politicians who are unable to think outside the borders of their own states. I’d call it provincialism, but it is “state-ism.”
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Dowling's unidentified mistress said that his marriage was "just for show," that he would leave his wife after the 2015 election and that he had conducted affairs with several other women.
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taoism essay Faced with the awful complexities of the Syrian insurrection, the West collectively decided that the costs of intervention were too high. That may well have been the right decision. But inaction has its costs, too. With President Assad and his backers in Moscow and Tehran looking increasingly confident, those powers that demanded his overthrow – such as Britain, France and the US – look impotent and weak. Rather than convening international conferences to consider Syria’s future, they must now start thinking about how to deal with a regime clinging tenaciously to power.
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Jacksonville Jaguars cheerleaders wearing pink to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month perform during the first half of an NFL football game against the San Diego Chargers in Jacksonville, Fla., Sunday, Oct. 20, 2013.
termal paper “Fruitvale Station” is a directorial debut of limitless promise; as a first feature it’s almost miraculous. At the age of 27 Mr. Coogler seems to have it all, and have it firmly in place—a clearsighted take on his subject (no airbrushing of flaws or foibles here, just confident brush strokes by a mature artist); a spare, spontaneous style that can go beyond naturalism into a state of poetic grace, and a gift for getting, or allowing, superb actors to give flawless performances.
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The fact that they changed their name from the Red Raiders is proof this idiocy has gone too far. I wonder if ginger boy would prefer a name that more accurately reflects the current regime in Washington? You know, like the Washington Libtards.
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 Canada>Canada the quiet american essay "When it comes to the economy, when it comes to inequality, when it comes to wealth, when it comes to the challenges that inner cities experience, he would say that we have not made as much progress as the civil and social progress that we’ve made, and that it’s not enough just to have a black President, it’s not enough just to have a black syndicated radio show host," Obama told Joyner.
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thesis statement on education reform "We have also been clear that we will retain all current defence bases, including Faslane, which will be Scotland's main conventional naval facility, and our long-term commitment will ensure continued support for jobs and local economies in all the communities around Scotland that are home to military bases."
analysis in essay The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), which isheadquartered in Newtown, Connecticut, just three miles from theschool where a gunman in December killed 26 first-graders andstaff, filed the lawsuit in federal court in Connecticut.
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 How would you like the money? essays from contemporary culture 5th edition "Poor muscle tone and alcohol consumption also increase the risk substantially. What we really want to do is raise awareness of the condition, not just among the general population, but also among health providers such as doctors and dentists," he told the conference.
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internet impact on society-essay But Obama has been bombarded with criticism for his handlingof Syria and a muddled message, moving the United States toward,and then back from the brink of striking Syria over an Aug. 21poison gas attack that Washington blames on Assad.
owl - essay As a vet of Iraq War, I can say that the Repugs made sure most people don't give a @!$%# about vets beyond their flag pins and support magnets. Why? Because less than 2 percent of Americans are involved in the military and have no clue what military families endure and suffer as a result of these recent illegal and very expensive wars. They don't care because they have no skin in "the game" we know as war. I say draft Cruz and the rest of these millionaire politicians into war. See how they do. Then cut them off of all tax supported benefits. He'll, they live and get rich on our tax money anyways!
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essay about characteristics of a good leader It may seem odd that fake social media accounts would beworth more than real credit card numbers, but online marketingexperts say some people are willing to spend heavily to make asplash on the Internet, seeking buzz for its own sake or for abusiness purpose, such as making a new product seem popular.
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"We need a church capable of rediscovering the maternal womb of mercy," he said. "Without mercy, we have little chance nowadays of becoming part of a world of 'wounded' persons in need of understanding, forgiveness and love."
persuasive essay child labor In other words, University of Washington engineers have just discovered a way to program simulated life, all while using a language that allows them to program and direct the movement of custom molecules. The applications for this are enormous and far-reaching. You could use the DNA molecules to simulate and project different combinations of the four nucleotides, guanine, adenine, thymine and cytosine.
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 I'm doing a phd in chemistry pike ted hughes essay Don’t think of it as the enemy of baristas, insists Kevin Nater, CEO of the company that has produced this technological marvel. Think of it as an instrument people can use to create their ideal coffee experience. Think of it as a cure for “out-of-home coffee drinkers”—Nater’s phrase—sick of an “inconsistent experience.”
summer school for high school The race to develop a working atmospheric diving suit (which maintains normal atmospheric pressure around the diver, eliminating the risk of “the bends”) began in the mid-1960s when the new North Sea oil industry was looking for ways to get divers onto the ocean floor. Borrow and his business partner, Mike Humphrey, knew that such a suit had been developed in the 1930s by an engineer called “Pop” Peress. Known as the “Tritonia”, it was revolutionary in that it featured lightweight magnesium in the main body and joints using a trapped cushion of oil to keep the surfaces moving smoothly. Although the Tritonia had performed perfectly during trials at depths of 135 metres, it had never been developed commercially.
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essay on independence day in sanskrit language With 7 percent of S&P 500 companies having reported, 52.8percent have reported profits that topped expectations,according to Thomson Reuters data, below the historical averageof 63 percent. There have also been fewer companies beatingrevenue forecasts this quarter.
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 How many more years do you have to go? essays on bill gates “The effects seen on abused children’s brain and behavioral development are not static,” said committee member Mary Dozier, chairman of child development at the University of Delaware. “If we can intervene and change a child’s environment, we actually see plasticity in the brain. So, we see negative changes when a child is abused, but we also see positive brain changes when the abuse ends and they are more supported. Interventions can be very effective.”
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Chipotle's stock price, for example, has grown by nearly 40 percent in the last year alone and by over 750 percent over the last five years. The share price for Noodles & Company, a newer entrant into the market, has grown by almost 19 percent since its IPO this summer. The entire sector is booming, according to market research firm NPD, with 8 percent traffic growth in 2013 at a time when quick-service restaurants, or QSR (industry-speak for "fast food") are showing no growth.
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Suddenly caution took over England’s thinking. Then they said ‘let’s have a safety valve’. A guy who can bat as well as bowl so Chris Woakes got in the team. It did not matter that he cannot bowl anyone out at international level. England decided ‘we don’t want to be beaten by this lot’. Once England lost the toss their chance of winning the Test disappeared. Why? Because after one hour of superb seam bowling with the new ball by Anderson and Broad that unluckily only brought one wicket, we did not have an attacking wicket-taking seam bowler to keep the pressure on Australia’s batsmen.
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Perhaps surprisingly, one of the few people who seems to be up to the task of fulfilling Schrader’s vision for the piece is Lohan. Tales of the actress’s on-set meltdowns made good reading back in January, when the New York Times published a head-spinning 11-page report from the film set, but she was worth the trouble: she exudes a kind of mental and sexual exhaustion that gives The Canyons what little distinctive flavour it has: without her, there would be absolutely nothing on screen to hold your attention, and you get the impression Schrader knows it.
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gdje kupiti hoodia flastere old max is not running again for office,he filled up at the money trough,for a long time so he should stfu he does not mean anything anymore and hopefully we the American people will vote out the other clowns who come up for election in 2014,they have portrayed the aca as the boogeyman again and again,never giving it a chance before it happens.i do admit mr.obama is more like the rest of the politicians who have came,filled up their pockets then left Washington,with more perks than they came in with,he is more like a used car salesman from the 50's then the man who promised hope to the the way the trial is over in now lets all pay attention to the screwing we are getting from Washington. focus on the present.
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