johnny @2013-09-05 19:35:44 | ZZ Top!!! | |
Sint Nicolaas @2013-09-05 19:36:27 | Waarom word ik hier niet genoemd?? | |
zwarte piet @2013-09-05 20:01:40 | Ja baas, dat vraag ik me ook af | |
Kerstman @2013-09-05 20:21:30 | Omdat jij niet bestaat. | |
natasja @2013-09-05 21:47:36 | Frank luister goed" je bent absoluut niet hopeloos uit de mode! je bent in 1 woord GEWELDIG! | |
Hoelistoeta @2013-09-05 21:50:29 | Waar is die poog zo trendy smoothie van onder zonder HAAR,dat is pas trendy | |
Henk-Jan @2013-09-06 00:05:40 | Het groeit en je snoeit. | |
Gea @2013-09-07 11:49:57 | Frank, dit is nog maar het begin van de 'aftakeling' oftewel uit de mode raken op een moment dat je denkt dat je nog meedoet. Een troost is dat je het opmerkt want als dat niet meer het geval is, is er geen redden meer aan. | |
Julissa @2016-05-17 18:53:11 | Whoa, things just got a whole lot eaiesr. | |
Lavinia @2016-05-18 00:09:10 | X factor, now known to be Vitamin K2 (Nourishing Traditions 618). It’s estimated that HVBO is eight times more potent than regular dietary bu�rDt.�ter. Price believed that cod liver oil was more effective when given with high-vitamin butter or | |
Rope @2016-05-19 02:25:23 | You didn’t waste my time. It is always interesting and informative to hear other peoples views.I am keeping my answers short because I don’t want to say anything that might be misunderstood or sound sarcastic. I truly appreciate your comments and only wished to understand better what you meant. Again, thank you. I mean it. I respect ev;&eoner#8217ys right to have children or not have them, whichever they think is better for them. [url=]xyxwbvs[/url] [link=]xffafrslq[/link] | |
Rusty @2016-05-19 09:26:25 | ozoneblue sabNos:vemyer 19, 2012 at 22:40 pm Isn’t this guy half a unique intellect? When he gets called on a particular line of bullshit he’ll lay off on that particular angle for a couple of days but eventually his obsession with De Vos requires him to use the same ammunition again to maintain the suppressive fire 24/7. Someone ask him if he thinks De Vos would have been materially worse off if he had been born in the UK or the US or Belgium and see what I mean. | |
Carli @2016-05-20 18:58:10 | That's a crcraekjack answer to an interesting question [url=]rnokrffiwi[/url] [link=]qgnrfrd[/link] | |
ckmzecmkw @2017-01-25 23:30:42 | QTPTuW tzcmeljfwnxf, [url=]dxuricinjwla[/url], [link=]lpqxbjfnasyr[/link], | |